Community user experience survey

I wouldn’t know what a sidebar preference is if I met one on the street James.

I’m probably one of the oldest (in terms of age) members of the Community and as such spent the first 50ish years of my life without a computer or mobile phone. I’ve spent most of my life using a landline and actually talking to ‘real’ people. If the phone didn’t work you got a phone engineer to sort it out. You didn’t have to download patches, reconfigure settings, reboot things. Yes it’s all beyond me and I know my views wont be representative of the majority here.
I don’t know what a tag is and I’m not really interested enough to worry that I don’t know what it is. I don’t want to fiddle around with all sorts of settings.

However, without the wonders of the internet I wouldn’t be learning and playing guitar. I wouldn’t be part of this wonderful Community of guitar players.
All I want is to click on here, listen to AVoYPs, post the occasional AVoYP of my own, ask questions, get advice and offer advice to others within my limited experience level.

Please keep it all simple. It’s hard enough to keep up with all the posts and feel you’re not replying to someone’s AVoYP which means a lot to them. I can’t expect people to listen to my offerings if I don’t listen to theirs, but the pressure that brings is huge.

Now please don’t get me wrong. I used the word pressure and of course that’s nonsense. Like you all, I have a whole other ‘real’ life outwith this Community, but I’m sure you know what I mean.


I’ve seen it before but what does AVOYP mean? lol

You are not alone Gordon. I still haven’t got a clue what it actually does.

And I wouldn’t have had the privilege in watching you play and follow in your footsteps.

A tag would be of interest to me only if I could add it to my preferences on my watch list to let me know when the OP has made a new post on a chain. Particularly now we have moved to a single chain combining multiple AVOYPs. It’s very difficult to know now if you have already watched a post when they are grouped together. I’m sure I’ve probably missed a few and makes me kind of feel bad if I did and they have commented on my recent posts.

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Audio/Video of You Playing
It’s in the Community Recording section

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This is what I’ve been talking about. Every time something gets changed for the better it makes things worse some where else.
Now “Originals(not covers)” was added. So how will this get add/linked into the Chain or enhance the community experiences of navigating the never ending line of new sub-categories.

In reality all there needs to be is AYOYP and Learning Log. That’s it. You’re either Learning a song and want feed back on how to improve or be better or you’re preforming as song.

Bloody hell never would have guessed you can pick your starting page off preferences within interface tab. Brilliant but too well hidden, thanks anyway David!

Not sure what all the fuss is about. I just open the forum from here Hamburger to New and then from that page use Latest from the top of that page. Easy!


The survey might give inaccurate data.

My default view is the categories list. However what I do every time is hit the hamburger and choose latest.

A list of categories makes the most sense as a default default.

Personally I like this community software, it’s the first time I’ve used Discourse and it’s so much better than old forums. ESPECIALLY on mobile.

@stitch has a point on a tutorial though. I somehow gathered that there is a new user tutorial built into discourse but didn’t figure out how to activate it. Or maybe I missed it. Most features here I stumbled on myself from just clicking around.

If there is any UX designer watching this thread, I would suggest to get to qualitative research with a group of users with focus on specific features. The information form such as this is too biased and synthesizing it will take time.

Jk @jkahn
There is a sort of tutorial on discourse if that is what you thinking about and I got a couple of ‘certificates’ having done it. But to be honest I needed a lot of help from the mods to find it and go through it. At the beginning of last year I was new to all of this social media stuff so that didn’t help.
Don’t ask to find it it again, not sure I can

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Ditto. I remember there was a tutorial thing when the new Community started in December ’21.
I got stuck and ended up in one of those loops where you can’t proceed until you’ve done the previous task and an annoying little smiley robot wouldn’t tell me how to complete the previous task. I gave up. :woozy_face:

Edit : I still haven’t worked out how to include more than one quote in a reply.


Gordon @sairfingers
This is ‘helpful’ little chap I think you mean

I think I eventually wore him down and eventually let me through!


Hi Michael,
Who doesn’t recognize this …thing … Gordon certainly does :laughing: … it’s his name that we don’t pronounce because for some this surrealistic experience still causes nightmares … it almost cost me my computer the first time that beeeeep…so thanks for this image again :smirk:
Or are you just joking :smirk::wink:


Roger @roger_holland
Sorry to reawaken the nightmare, I thought I had forgotten about it myself but happened to watch an old episode of Doctor Who with the Cybermen

Equally scary.


Glad it`s day here :sweat:

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They used to terrify me when I was a kid. They were scarier than the Daleks.

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Gordon, type the text between two quotes, then move your cursor down one or two lines. Mark the text to quote, that little white box will appear, click it and the marked text will be insert as a second quote into your reply.

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This little pain in the neck! I needed several attempts to get him out of the way :joy: A nightmare! :cowboy_hat_face: :facepunch: :space_invader:

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They used to terrify me when I was a kid. They were scarier than the Daleks.

That’s because they look like scary human robots rather than salt shakers.

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must everything have a silly acronym that takes more time to understand than the actual words?