CT's Learning Log

For me everything is setup to inspire. If I hang my guitars front facing, I’m more inclined to recall what inspired me to buy them in the first place, and hopefully rekindles the desire to make some clammy bouillabaisse noises with them. :bowl_with_spoon:


That’s pretty funny, I used the word ‘magic’ to describe music earlier today. The possibility of magic, not the actuality, so I guess a similar sentiment lol

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Yeah, just trying to be realistic. It’s more achievable and logical than some kind of magic. :slight_smile:

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I had to take the bait Clint. So unlike you to be contrary :rofl:’ Would some garden photos fill the bill here?

Loved the photo of your music space.

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Abso-bloopin’-loot-ley! :deciduous_tree:

Since you asked: Citrus is king right now and my mandarin oranges are at peak ripeness as we speak. In the foreground (off the patio) is the seedless ‘Kishu’ mandarin, which is said to be an ancient variety, that tastes a bit like tangerine lifesavers and peels easily with an incredible aroma explosion. In the background is “Page” mandarin, which has some grapefruit in its parentage and a hint of that tanginess makes for an interesting flavor. The juice from ‘Page’ makes for the best holiday mimosas.


Awesome Clint. Harvesting is going to keep you busy.

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Thankyou for this delicious reply Clint. My mouth is watering. The smell of both citrus blossom and the oils in the skins being released as you peel these morsels, is intoxicating. I’ve gone off topic here. Perhaps we could steer back on course if you were to post the garden walk and music you did a while back?

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The only thing that keeps my road case on course are short bursts of irrelevant information. :slight_smile:

Things in the garden:
Garden Walk
July Garden Walk
Jamming out on the patio amongst the bees and the peach trees

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Loving this garden detour Clint. Acoustic looper nibbles, love it! It all looks delicious. Depths of winter here, cold and unusually foggy. Can’t even see the garden from the lounge window today.
Never mind, before we know it I’ll be planting my tomato seeds again and posting photos of the results.

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Thought I’d get you all back on track with this classic from way back in '75 :sunglasses:
:orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle:


The Mandarins look awesome.
Always used to get these in our Christmas stockings, hopefully I’ll get some this year.


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Ooooh so good to hear and see these again. I remember giving you heat about wearing socks and slip slops. Sorry Clint :laughing:


I hear you. It was a case of inadvertent recording, I thought the camera was off, but kept it in for some unknown reason. I would never wear socks and sandals outside my backyard. Madonna wears her underwear over her clothes, there is no accounting for fashion. :slight_smile:

You fashionista you :slightly_smiling_face:

My Road Case turned into a Learning Log! It’s a Christmas miracle (or something). Carry on good people.


These days (Christmas/New Year’s break) I’m fishing more than playing guitar, and when I’m not fishing I’m thinking about getting out to do it.

Nice to get out in the fresh air and around nature. Good times!

My new Learning Log entry is to set a goal to begin the new year looking for ways to inter-weave my hobbies in with my music.


Nice! I love to fish, too. My youngest son has been asking me for a fishing trip; I need to get off my butt and get a line in the water.

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Some of my fondest memories are tied to fishing with my Dad. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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Same. My dad and my grandpa both took me fishing a lot when I was a boy. Back then it was mostly on lakes and ponds and in creeks. Now, since I’m pretty close to the Gulf of Mexico, it’s often saltwater fishing. But I still like going freshwater fishing, too.

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Public service announcement: A Learning Log is not to be confused with a certain type of log from Nordic lore (depicted in the show Norsemen on Netflix). LOL