DigiTech Trio+ Band Creator & Looper

Here are a couple of videos (thanks James @Socio) that others may find interesting. They cover using a mic with the Trio+

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Haha, Iā€™d have to buy a mic first :laughing:
Further to your Iā€™m a Believer post, a couple of thoughts.

  • You mentioned not having a pickup on your acoustic to play rhythm on the looper. Why not plug in your electric on a clean setting? Or indeed with a bit of distortion other fx if you have any pedals. It just forms the backing track and the contrast makes it sound better in my opinion.

  • I presume Iā€™m not the only one, but I used to have to really concentrate to keep the same tempo from one loop to the next. Now if Iā€™m doing a song with multiple parts, i find the bpm I want the song to play at on a metronome website and just play along to that for all parts.

  • in your song, if you record the the loops as 1) First half of the verse 2) 2nd half of verse 3) Chorus, you should still have a couple of slots free which you could re-record the 1st half of the verse which would allow you to pre-record the solo on, allowing you to strum along and pull funny faces on the live performance. :smiley:

Youā€™re probably aware of most of this, but some of it might be helpful to others just starting out, or contemplating purchasing this bit of kit.

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I joined one of the Facebook groups, it is mostly a place where people upload their TSLD (Trio) files. One of the members had put together a quick reference guide, which seems useful to me. It may make it easier than randomly going though all the genres and styles. Attribution of the author is under the title.


Quick question for all you Trio+ aficionados out there:
Does anyone know of a way (or workaround) to use the footswitch to switch from one track (not songpart) to the next? I had a quick look but didnā€™t find anything :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Did not think so but had a quick review of the manual. Seems you can only select a new track/song by pressing the Song button and turning the dial. Would be a nice feature.
In fact I seem to recall Jason at past OMs, doing some twiddling between songs, which I suspect was queuing up the next BT.


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Cheers for having a look Toby. I didnā€™t think so either. Itā€™s a pity :frowning_with_open_mouth:
I occasionally run out of song part slots and it would be handy to just switch up to the next song to continue. Ah wellā€¦

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The Trio+ has so much promise, but it seems to be a bit hampered by the controls, which do not seem to be very well set up for live use.



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You may need to rethink how your record parts. There have been times I have hit similar issues, so have recorded verse/link/chorus as one part to reduce the number required. Look for repeated section links and do them as a single unit. :sunglasses:

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Haha, I learned that at a very early stage :roll_eyes:
Iā€™m running into problems meddlinā€™ with a medley :rofl:

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FYI, Still selling my Trio+ btw, ā‚¬175 + shipping (from Belgium) for JG Community members.
Very cool piece of kit but it sees no action since iā€™m busy with other things (bands, solo, festival and of course; JustinGuitar :D)


This is a good price for a really useful piece of kit, esp. for the beginner and intermediate guitar enthusiast :smiley:
I think itā€™s because it has so much potential folk try to push the boundaries and use it for eg live performances.

Could not agree more Brian. Very reasonable. If you have the patience to set it up and learn how to apply the various genre and styles, it can create some really high level BTs. :+1:

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Yes thatā€™s my solution too if I run out of parts. Intro and verse 1 together, then verse, then chorus, then bridge, then verse and outro together. Thatā€™s 5 parts.


If the verses are different, you can squeeze an extra slot like that, but if theyā€™re the same, thereā€™s no gain. You need an intro but I find I hardly ever use an outro anymore.
Youā€™re still going to struggle with a 3-song medley :rofl:

Just buy that trio+ from Lievenā€¦simple :smile:


I hadnā€™t seen the post from Aug ā€˜22 with the chart of all the style/sound options. Reminds me of the spreadsheet someone put up a while back with the thousands of combinations of chords you could have for one minute changes. :joy:

Its all in the manual but the descriptions are quite useful if you are after a certain sound. I have found it better to select a genre and style up front, rather than let the Trio do its own thing. Unless you are happy with experimental styles, :rofl:

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Iā€™ll maybe try Shoegaze Sparse 80ā€™s for my next AVoYP. Or perhaps Off Kilter Groove. :joy:


I think they call it Jazz. :smiley:


I find I use the Country genre for most ā€˜normalā€™ songs and one of the Folk styles (alt tempo) for faster/punky songs. That covers most of my output :roll_eyes: