Eduards learning log

Started last week with Grade one, and I am now learning the things up till grade 7. The only chord I cannot get clear is the C chord. The nut of my guitar is 42 mm, all other chords I get correct, switching between the D, E , Em, Dm, A, G is not a problem but that C chord is for me not the easiest. Help needed. I know I can skip the high C note and only use 2 fingers or a bar chord but I want to play the open Chord. Must say I have not played the guitar for over 50 years.


Hello, the C chord is trickier than it looks!! Just persevere, you’ll find your way to it. I remember I used to play it with little finger glued up to ring finger…it took me ages to train little finger to stay down. Practice slow and try to get it right and repetition repetition repetition as you probably already know. Sometimes it’s a bit frustrating when results are so hard to achieve, sometimes it takes longer than you wish…but yes you need the open C chord and it’ll be very rewarding when you’ll nail it eventually.

Thank you. It is frustrating but, indeed, repetition, practice fingerstrength and playing lots of songs with a C chord.

Hi @eduard09 , you are not alone in struggling with the C chord. You might want to check out this thread: The C Chord where there is lots of discussion, photos, etc.

Returning to the guitar after a long hiatus is admirable! Good luck on your journey in rediscovering your long lost hobby.


practice is the only way to improve

first by training on changing chords
second , by trying to play songs with a C chord in it

When I first tried to play a song with a C chord it was horrible
you just have to keep trying and one day , you’ll get it

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Hallo, the last time I wrote a learning log is almost a your ago. In the past month I have learned all the open chords, the power chords and the E and A shape barrchords. Yet a view modules of Grade 3 and I will start with the intermediat modules. Got Justin Guitar Beginner’s Songbook as a gift for my 73 birthday and learning Three litle Birds together with a dear friend. It’s a fun song to play and study the reggea strumming.
I am also learning to play the Boom Bass with licks 1
Hope you all have as much fun playing the guitar as I do. See you in my future learning log.


3 little birds is great. I have been singing this to my wife when life gets us down for almost 27 years.

Great work with your progress grade 3 is a ton of fun and there is some amazing stuff to learn. I feel grade 3 is when really start to become a solid guitar player, in which you can play things a lot of people can recognise.
Keept the course. You are doing good.
You know anything that that Bob and the Wailers does is fantastic. I justine has a number of others on his song list.

Man I have been listening Bob my entire life. My mom even had an original copy of the rare Catch a Fire LP looks like a zippo lighter. Such good music, it makes me feel good just thinking about it.

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Hi Dick ,
Great to see you May you continue well… Boom Bass is cool, I have completed all 3 and am waiting impatiently for the new course … Have fun with it :sunglasses:

The intention of LL is that you, but also we, can follow your journey at a glance and it is therefore the intention that we only open one LL … Richard @Richard_close2u will certainly place it with your first opened LL … that is a good thing :smiley:

Greetings and see you :sunglasses:

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