Eric Lennon - February 2024 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps + Winds Of Change + Romanza

No rush, just prioritise your needs. I just do that sort of stuff when I hit one of THOSE spots :laughing:

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Thank you sir. Yes I use Reaper, appreciate the tip about the gridlines, I am pretty sure I turned them off for the alignment of video and audio but I never switched them back on later and never thought about it, I will keep an eye on the going forward. What type of issue does that create btw ? Thanks

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Just the possibility of an accidental nudge on a track you didn’t want to move. Could be subtle drag of a few ms, which would more likely stand out if the grid was on, as you’d see it snap into place and think oops ! :sunglasses:

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This was really nicely played! It reminds me of my own, quite horrible, version I committed 3 years ago. :slight_smile:

Wow that was terrific Eric. Can your twin play classical guitar too? :grinning:

Cheers man, for the feedback

My dream :grinning:

Me too, I know what you mean

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Happy you spotted that Gordon, it was not accidental :slightly_smiling_face:

It is nice of you to say you enjoyed, thanks

Hi David , the important bit for the Reaper video thing I did to work, is the camera angel has to be exactly the same for both for it to work

Hi Eric, I don’t mind some classical and always liked this piece. Great playing mate, there seems to be no end on your abilities at the moment mate, well done.

I wouldn’t sweat posting AVOYPs post ‘Em up I’m enjoying them :rofl: :+1: I’m sure a Mod will put you right if you’re too far off track :+1:

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Makes sense. Obvious now I think about it.

I look foward to your next Classical share If you’ll refresh it! I’m building a small repertoire too, but very small because I’m still working on my foundations…I’ m using Internet structured courses and I’m loving that I can go as much slow as I wish…I wouldn’t like in-person lessons to be honest.

That’s what happens to me as well…but technique is only a part of the big picture and a little by little we can improve. Also your right hand doesn’t look bad at all, looking bad or graceful while fingerpicking being my objective non-pro critera for self-assessment :joy:

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Great Eric,
:clap: :sunglasses:
unfortunately for me I fall from one rabbit hole straight into another and there are still a few open…I want to learn this too

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Cheers mate. And no that twin is not much help with this type of playing, he just wants to play rock.

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You are very versatile guitarist, I did not expect this after your last video. :smiley: That was beautiful!

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Hi Eric, yes, I’m stepping back from the OMs a bit at the moment, as preparing to live perform a particular song takes so much time. The campfire season is starting soon, and, therefore, I want to increase my repertoire :smiley:.
So, I’m working on several different songs right now, and hope, that I’ll be able to post at least one AVOMP soon :innocent:.

But I’ve already booked an audience seat for the next OM. So, see you there :slightly_smiling_face:.

Hi Nicole I can understand why you are taking this approach. I think it is a great idea to have a repertoire , I was discussing this with another member earlier. Regarding the OM preparation you may well find it gets less intense with more experience, that is certainly how I have found it. I used to worry weeks if not months ahead what to play, now I am much more chilled about it, for next OM I have not thought about it at all yet other than I will keep it simple since I am host. I hope to see some of your work on AVOYP soon.

Wow. Awesome fingerpicking on the classical guitar Eric.
This is one of those songs that I’ve heard a number of times, but had never known the title of.
You must’ve put in a lot of dedication into practicing this one back in the day, since it’s pretty impressive how well you play it just from muscle memory after all those years. Really enjoyable mate.

That was some awsome stuff you played there Eric.
I have a weakness for While my guitar gently weeps… not so much for Scorpions :rofl:
Both of them played on a very very high level.
Sounded smashing.
So almost needless to say… i really digged While my guitar……

You are on another planet with youre production, looked really cool… maked me a little bit sick watching all the guitars on the wall :rofl: what a collection you have!!

Really cool stuff Eric, would not hurt if you did more of those AVOYPs :grin:

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Cheers Trond. It might not look like it but I am actually in the process of moderating my guitar collection. I realised at one point that I had instruments which I was never playing which seems such a pity so I started to sell some. My rule now is no new guitar comes in unless one leaves.

Hahahahaha :rofl:
With that collection «1 in 1 out» works brilliant :grin:

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