Eric Lennon - February 2024 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps + Winds Of Change + Romanza

The Lennon twins strike again. :smiley:
That was super Eric, a lot tighter this time too. I really like that song and you did it justice with some super guitar play and a great vocal.

Very clever video work as I noticed that this time the guitars you were playing were also the stands behind you. Unless of course they have twins too.:grin:

Good see you getting another recording out there Eric. Clever video set up with your doppelganger ! Lots of good comments so far, so no need for me to add further critique as I just sat back and enjoyed the ride.

On the timing issues, if its just a sync issue on the recording some minor editing in the DAW can tighten things up. Can’t recall if you are using Reaper but guess it goes for all/most DAWs, turn of the gridlines and align the audio waveforms to get everything on the beat. Don’t forget to switch them back on afterwards !

Nicely done sir.


@eric.lennon I just love it when someone expresses exactly what I was going to say. This is a most appropriate use for the Community Recordings and your stated aims meet everything that is expected here. So keep recording. If you turn into a click bait drive by YouTube hustler we’ll be on you like a ton of bricks ! :rofl:

As for the song choice ? Epic yes 30 years ago blimey, guess that’s a good reason for the explainers, for today’s yoof. Really enjoyed the performance and cleverly created video, nicely done. Thought the guitar for whistles worked really well and was a nice touch. There is something about that whistled intro and outro on the original that still give me goose bumps, remembering what was happening in Europe at the time. Thanks for sharing. :rofl:

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Sounded great, Eric. I recognised the piece immediately, just never knew the title.

Well played sir!

Perhaps a bit more vibrato on the first note of each new section, and the rest stroke on a wasn’t always louder than m and i. Minor things and perhaps it’s must my beginner ears :grimacing:

I’ve been working on this song off and on for some time and this was a good reminder to buckle down and learn it all the way through :grin:

I am be no means a classical kind of guy. So, i will just say I enjoyed the listen and for just decideing to play. Well done!

Play on!

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Good job!
Are these carbon strings? Or is there some EQ going on?


Yes you are correct about those details. A couple of years ago I could play this better and like you are saying I think I will make it one of my goals to get better again. I found the guitar in storage a couple of days ago after a renovation I had completed . I changed the strings yesterday but it took until today for the tuning to stabilise. This morning i picked it up and this is the only song I could remember so I played it through a couple a times and hit record and then thought to add it to AVOYP. I was just happy to get through this shortened version. I am sure if I played the entire thing I would have failed.

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Hi Alexey. I just checked what the strings are as I just fitted them yesterday. Savarez 500AJR nylon classic strings is all the info I could see, I have had them in a drawer for years but they seemed fine, certainly better than ones I took off after the guitar had been not used for so long, those ones were actually falling apart , I mean literally. Not sure about your question with EQ. I just stuck my iphone on a stand next to me and hit record, that was it . Does that help ?

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That’s very beautiful Eric :heart_eyes: I’m studying the Classical Guitar but the road ahead is still very long for me to be able to play all over the neck like that. Thanks for sharing :blush:

Thanks. Savarez are great! And your guitar sounds really good!

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Holy smokes Eric, that’s some amazing playing, even more so “off the top of your head”! :astonished:

If this a smidgen of what we’re going to be seeing from you with your AVOYP posts I honestly can’t wait for what’s next!

Wow, Eric! That was simply beautiful. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If this is the way how it was just coming up after few run throughs, it is quite impressive! :clap: I wonder how it’s going to sound after some more practice on this tune again.

Hi Mark, I am happy you liked it. It is a bit a of a strange one this thing with this song, it has happened like this before. It goes back to summer of 1982 I was working during my summer holidays in Chepstow and the guy I was house sharing with played guitar. He would not let me touch his electric but he let me pick up this nylon string he had and gave me a book , I think, or a maybe a print out of this song. I am pretty sure it was not even tab but music notation. I spent a few months learning to play this and then after going home I bought a nylon string guitar but did not stick with guitar much after that. So the last time I played this piece was during covid when my daughter was “going to learn” guitar. Again just from memory I showed her this piece but after a week the guitar project was over for her. Then the guitar just ended up in the case in a cupboard until last week. I can’t explain why I can play this piece on demand at any time, I do not believe I have it with anything else.
Maybe it is something to do with Neuroplasticity of youth that Justin has mentioned a few times…

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Hi Lisa, I am not sure how much I can improve but I am prepared to accept the challenge :slightly_smiling_face:

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Genuinely a cool story Eric, I agree with you it’s a great example of that neuroplasticity!

Anyway, I really liked that, along with much of @SILVIA 's work I kind of like the idea of the classical rabbit hole at some point in my journey!


Thanks Silvia. I wish I had the patience to learn more classical pieces, i love playing this style. I used to have a small “classical” repertoire of songs , I think maybe I should refresh it. I hope you have a good teacher or resources for learning classical. I am self taught so on the occasion I see on the internet a real classical guitar player or instructor I realise my technique is not good but I love playing anyway.

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Wow Eric, that was beautiful. Especially after an extended break from both the guitar and classical music.

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Nice playing Eric, I’m an occasional Classical player myself, sometimes it’s a change from my usual stuff - a bit like a breath of fresh air!
That’s a piece I’ve not played myself yet but this is - similar story, my guitar is a 50+ year old Japanese made Terrada classical guitar, with a history! This was the first piece I learned after completely renovating it!

It’s a nice fairly easy piece to learn!
Here’s a link to a book of pieces I have to look at; they were free issue and free to distribute from a Classical learning site I used to be on. Feel free to download it if it’s of any use to you!

Hi Darrell, WOW, What a fantastic rendition, extremely well played , masterful I would say. I do recognise that piece I think may have toyed with the idea of playing it years ago but it never happened . Thanks for sharing the classic music book, I recognised a couple in there that I could play in the past, especially the Bach piece, I love Bach. Problem now is I have got a bunch of electric jam songs to learn for a summer event, a lot of OM type songs I want to complete and perform and now I have the rekindled desire to play classical !!!

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