Fanny forever

I watched this interesting documentary the other day on BBC about Fanny, the Filipino sister-led, all-female, lesbian, rock outfit from California the 60s. Worth checking out if you can access :smiley:

There’s also a fascinating interview with the reclusive keyboard player from a completely different viewpoint here.
(best read after watching the film if you are thinking about it)


Gotta love some Fanny…




Thanks for sharing, will check it out!

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Very cool!!!

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It was really interesting to see what happened to them after they disappeared from my radar back in the day. Different view from Nickey Barclay!

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Not sure if my VPN will let me access IP but good to see a doc on the band. Liked their music back in the day but oblivious of any back story. Nice share. :sunglasses:


I watched it when it was on the tellyvisual box thing. I thought it was really interesting and just goes to show and to quote Toby, “you’re never to old to rock”.

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If you watched it, definitely worth reading the interview too :smiley:

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Couldn’t get into iPlayer but found some old vintage stuff on the uTube.