Fender Mustang Micro Plus

Well given the Katana Go has gone, this looks like a decent new option.

Fender updated the Mustang Micro, added BT app/streaming, more tweaks etc.


Do we know what happened to the little Katana? It seems like it was on sale for about 10 minutes, was hugely popular and then it was gone :man_shrugging:

The Fender unit does look good, much prefer the app to anything by Boss. The fundamental problem for me is that I hate wearing over the ear headphones! I know Bluetooth would have latency issues which is why none of these units do it but the reason I don’t use my Katana Go often is my headphones are uncomfortable

Apparently they had component supply issues and are redesigning it.



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Get some IEMs or wired earbuds. Yes, they will have a wire and that’s a pain, but if you prefer in-ears, they would work.



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For some reason they designed a product without securing supply of the vital components !?!

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Personally, I like the Boss apps, but I’m used to them having used a bunch of different, but similar, Boss apps over the years, and I have got to know them and how they work.

Note that “pretty”, “intuitive” and “easy to use” are different things. The Boss apps aren’t particularly “pretty” and may not be immediately “intuitive” but are “easy to use”. By which I mean: there’s a small learning curve but then the consistency of the user interface makes them easy to drive.

I contrast this with the Spark amp UI which I consider to be “pretty” and “intuitive” to some degree, but I found to be clunky to use. To me it’s a classic case of “made for marketing videos”.

Having said that, I personally dislike skeuomorphic interfaces, especially for this sort of application.

The Fender app looks “pretty” and “intuitive” but I would reserve judgement on it being “easy to use”. Similar to the Spark app, there seems to be a lot of scrolling to get to the different fx, although I do like the landscape view.

But these are, frankly, tiny and personal concerns. The Mustang Micro Plus does look like a good contender for the Katana Go and, given the current unavailability of the latter, looks like a great option.



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Supply chain has been very difficult over the past few years, unless you’re Apple (and I suspect even they have been affected). Cost of some components has skyrocketed so holding large stocks can get expensive and riskyl.

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Nice :slight_smile:
I have the Mustang Micro and I am super happy with it. Actually also use it as a BT streaming device to amps that only have AUX input. And of course for midnight practice with headphones when family is asleep.

Good quality headphones are an investment. My Beyerdynamic DT770 Pros are incredibly comfortable.

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A comparison review between Nux Mighty Plug Pro and the Fender Mustang Mighty Plus would be interesting viewing.

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Yes I’m going to get some good in ear headphones at pay day later this month. As I say I don’t find on ear headphones comfortable so I don’t wear them

Don’t bother with the Shure SE215. They are :poop:.

If you want something inexpensive, the Mee Audio M6 Pros are decent.



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