Don’t know if this has come up before……, I play a steel string acoustic and though I’m a few months past finger pain I have quite deep ridges in my finger tips. It can cause problems, particularly as my little finger can get kind of locked to the string and can be hard to move between some chords. Anyone got any advice or experienced the same thing?
Your calluses are in what I think of as the “developing” stage. With continued regular practice/play they will eventually become harder, and more smooth and “leathery” and less likely to develop grooves. It just takes time.
The best thing to do is to continue to practice and play, and keep an eye on your developing calluses. You can use a nail file to smooth them out (especially any holes or rough spots that develop). If you get a “flap” you can use super glue to fix it down (sounds weird, but it works).
Thanks. Do you have any idea roughly how long they will take to “settle”. I play about 2 hours a day and it’s been about 6 months so far
More than 6 months? That is hard to say. I think I stopped thinking about my callouses around 10ish months, but everyone is different.
I wonder if you are pressing too hard as well. I get indentations still when I press too hard. Take some practice time to experiment with just how hard (or better, how lightly) you need to press to make the string ring clearly. It may be far less than you think.
I don’t recall for certain, but it’s definitely “months.”
Initial calluses develop pretty quickly. I think most players get to the “doesn’t hurt anymore” stage in a few weeks to a month or so, but still experience rough spots and indentations and holes, etc. That continues during the long haul on the way to the more permanent “smooth leathery” stage.
Good advise from the people who’ve commented before me Liz. A glass file (sometimes marketed as a crystal file) works well as does an emery board. Resist the urge to pick away roughness or edges that are lifting, use your file.
My fingertips still go through the rough stage periodically, the file sorts that out.
I imagine that the changes to your fingertips must be presenting some challenges for playing keys? You’ll find that when you get to the leathery stage, you will have some sensitivity in the fingertips, though it’s limited.
Yes “the keys” have been a bit strange with no feeling in my Left hand finger tips. They have improved a bit recently though so I guess they are evolving
Yes I’m trying to work with less pressure. The guitar I started on was awful, really high action but I’ve had a better one for a few months now.
Do you wash up without gloves on? If not do so, if you hands get wet a lot particularly with detergent in the water your fingertips will get to peel. Don’t use moisturiser on your hands use light olive oil very sparingly, moisturisers can also cause your skin to shed that’s what they’re deigned to do.
Oh ok hadn’t thought of that. Have given up on the moisturiser though.
I went through the same thing and had the same questions. I was having difficulty playing because the strings were catching in the grooves making it very difficult to change chords quickly. It was right around 5-6 months for me as well. I’m now at nine months and no longer have that problem. I believe it only lasted for about a month for me. I practice/play about 1 to 2 hours a day. So keep it up, it will get better.
I’ve been playing for over five years. It still happens to me. In fact, I just did a session with the glass file a couple of hours ago because they had become so rough.
I hope it doesn’t last that long! But I’m going to get a glass file in case it does.
Fingers crossed I’m nearly through that phase then
The glass file is useful anyway if you want to shape your fingernails for finger style or classical playing. Much smoother than a steel or grit nail file. Mine are finally getting long enough and shaped a little (I have square nails🤦🏼♂️) It is really cool!
I concur on the glass file. It’s great.
Another vote for glass files. I use them on my RH nails. I never use clippers, just file them to the length and shape I want. Avoiding clippers seems to have helped make the nails super strong. I shape mine into “ramps”. Kinda like this:
I finish them off and smooth the edges of the nails with those cheap disposable “nail blocks” with a bunch of different grits on them.
You might be somewhat dehydrated. Not enough fluid in the system to plump up those fingers. Try drinking more water.
Don’t get me wrong, I still get grooves in my fingers, just not as deep as they were a couple of months ago. They were getting so deep I could hardly fret the string since the flesh around the string would press against the fretboard. And when changing chords the string would get stuck and would be like plucking the individual string. I don’t think they ever totally go away. You are pressing flesh don on steel after all. But it does get better.
Also a good setup on the guitar will help. You won’t have to push down as hard or as far making it easier on the tips of your fingers.