Hey Dean! Glad to hear you’re finding benefit and inspiration from these earlier posts.
Others more experienced than me here, have emphasized how important consolidation is after each Grade and I completely understand why now. I was in a rush to complete Grade 1, but the month I took after that to consolidate everything and learn some songs is what made all the knowledge gained real and applicable for me. After finishing Grade 2 (about 6 months after starting) I stopped charging through the lessons and modules, and I’ve basically been consolidating and applying everything for the past 6 months.
For the sake of full disclosure, I also started working with an online guitar teacher a few months ago, as I wanted to delve into and focus on learning the blues which has helped me tremendously. That being said, I don’t think I would’ve benefitted from those private lessons if I hadn’t had the solid foundation Justin’s beginner Grades established for me. I still refer back to Justin’s lessons in the earlier grades 1 & 2 which I believe are the core foundation which allows to delve into more advanced songs and techniques now, and if I struggle with any specific techniques (barre chords, vibrato, etc.) I look up Justin’s lessons on those and go through them. I also use Justin’s song lessons to review songs I played earlier when I start to forget them, which has helped me take the leap and start a weekly jam practice session with a friend of mine that plays a digital piano (I still can’t believe that I’m doing that, I’ll have to post a new thread with a few of those videos as messy as they are). Most importantly, I use Justin’s Practice Assistant tool every day I practice (6 times a week now). I donate monthly to Justin’s site (along with other subscriptions) because this tool is a game changer and keeps me on track. I customize it to what I’m working on every few weeks, and I login evernight without having to think about what I need to practice, I just get to it. I’ve shown it to my private guitar teacher, and he agrees that it’s amazing and he’s never seen anything like it.
Finally, I can’t emphasize enough the amazing community here, all the support we give to each other, and the encouragement and inspiration I get from folks here (an example of this is is this guitar challenge thread which inspired me to post a video of a solo I’m learning since I haven’t posted any recordings in a while, thanks again @roger_holland).
And one more final note Remember that all of these things, the lessons, the tools, the community are for you to make your guitar learning journey more pleasant. Use them in the way that makes the best sense to you as we all learn differently and have different personal life circumstances. So don’t compare your progress against others, but use their experiences to inspire your own learning, in the way that fits your life and learning style.
I look forward to seeing your progress and maybe some of the songs you learn if you decide to post those (please @mention me if you do).