From a Land Down Under

Hello from Darwin, Australia Everybody ! My name is Cody, long time reader first time poster. I found Justin’s Guitar website many years ago and have followed it on and off for a long time never really able to find that commitment I needed, but I signed up for a Ukulele class at the local Adult Night Courses place and well 3 months later I am in Melbourne spending $800 on a beautiful Lanikai Concert sized Ukulele, literally stepped into the door way of the shop and was like “That one is mine, That one is the chosen one” love at first site. After finding that confidence and self worth with being able to play I’ve moved onto guitar and the transition has been wonderful I am enjoying both greatly. Since then I have bought a couple of different style guitars to find my perfect fit still no luck keep drifting between my 20 something year old Ashton Electric Guitar and a rather beautiful Acoustic Guitar I lucked onto. I look forward to the journey!


Hey Cody,
A very warm welcome to the community! You have already spent some days on your journey, as it seems and I hope you had some good times with your Uke and your guitars. I wish you lots of fun for your ambitions to learn to play, just follow the courses and keep contact with this wonderful community, which is so motivating and always supporting!

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Hi Cody, Welcome to the community wishing you good luck with your journey.

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Hello Cody, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.
What a wonderful ‘love on first site’-story with your uke :smiley:.
With your electric and acoustic guitars you’ve got an already nicly filled stable :blush:.

I wish you lots of fun along your uke and guitar journey :smiley:.

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Hi Cody,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun and good that you stepped out of the shadow :sunglasses:

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Hi Cody, nice to meet you. Good luck with your 4 string and 6 string learning journey.
Best wishes,

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Welcome Cody, terrific story of your discovery and passion on the Uke and transition over to guitar now, I love the comment of your Lanikai being the “chosen one”, there’s something indeed special about an instrument that just fits and ticks every box. I’m presuming you’ve not abandoned the Ukulele?
You’ve landed in just the right place in JG and here in the community to carry on with your musical journey, wishing you much fun!!

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Welcome Cody, there’s seems to be quite a community of us now in Aust and NZ👍

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Thank you for the warm welcome @Helen0609 :+1:

Thank you @amandaw57 good luck to us all :smile:

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Thank you @NicoleKKB it surely was, there was no other uke like it in the entire store, I believe the store was called Lord Uke that is literally all he sold there where hundreds to choose from but only one clear choice.

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Thank you @roger_holland there is so much fun to be had, Justin Guitar is so huge and always more to learn :+1:

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Hi Cody
Nice to meet you! Warm welcome :smiling_face: also from the Land Down Under (the other side) :laughing:
I love your story! Especially your love at first sight with your uke :heart_eyes: I’m in love with my uke too :smiley: and I’m glad to hear that you’re still playing and enjoying it along with guitar. Wishing lots of fun on your journey.
Thank you for sharing.

Wow! Sounds amazing :heart_eyes:

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Thankyou @Alan_1970 it is quite fascinating, there are so many similar chord shapes but completely different notes and sounds, leaves your brain feeling :exploding_head:

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Thank you @Notter There is no way I could abandon such a happy instrument, I literately feel a warmth when I start to play it. You cant play a bad song on them always so bright and fun. :+1:

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Thank you @CD02 That is fantastic ! Would be cool to actually meet like minded people for a Jam one day. :sunglasses:

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Thank you @JasmineJ I would love to share a photo of her with you all but I am struggling to get the light right, dam she is just too shinny :grin:

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Nice! :grin: love to see a photo of her sometime, she sounds sweet! :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum Cody

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Hello Cody, nice to meet you!
Greetings from yet a different land down under :smiley:
Wishing you lot’s of fun with the ukulele, the guitar, and here in the forum!

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