From a Land Down Under

Hey Cody, welcome to the community. Plenty of other aussies around here. We were in Darwin last year doing the big lap in our caravan. Had a great time at the Mindil markets. Been to Darwin a few times over the years and a good friend up there is so amazing on the guitar she was one of my inspirations to pick up the guitar. Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Welcome Cody. And thanks a lot for giving me that ear worm with your title! :rofl:

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Welcome to the community, Cody!

Glad you made a transition from reader to poster and said “Hello”. :smiley: Wish you lots of fun on your journey!

Cheers - Lisa

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This is the best I could do @JasmineJ a photographer I am not. :laughing:
She has Spalted Mango Wood Top, back and sides, cheaper than harder woods but more sustainable and so much more beautiful especially with the satin finish. Rosewood fingerboard, Fishman Kula electronics and Gold Kluson Vintage tuners and the beautiful abalone edging.


Thank you @stitch for the Welcome :+1: There really is such a wealth of knowledge here.

Thank you @franzek the fun never seems to end, There is always some new technique or combination of equipment to play with. :grinning:

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Thanks @tony Id love to do a full lap around Australia one day, I got the opportunity to do a trip through New Zealand North and South there was never enough time to fully take it all in. Yes the markets are fantastic, sitting on the beach with a Laksa watching the sunset with such a laid back atmosphere :+1: and up here at the moment we have a Laksa Festival happening :smile:

Thank you @LunaRocket ear worms sure are tricky to get rid off, Quick stick the music on random to confuse it. :laughing:

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Thanks @Lisa_S to be honest its a big step I hate the idea that something I said can be confused or scrutinized years later but everybody here on the Justin Guitar Community seem like Good People so Geronimo! I say. :smile:

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Doing the big lap is something I dreamed of for many decades. And when we finally got to to it the experience was over the top amazing.

Mmmm. Laksa. Now your making me hungry


Wow! Sweet! I reckon mango wood would be amazing for a uke! with a nice warm tone and she’s so pretty :heart_eyes: love the pattern through the wood!
It’s good to have the hardcase for such a nice uke too
Great pics, they turned out really well :smiley:
Thanks for sharing :blush::sunflower:

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Can you do the land down under for us?


Hello and welcome to our community Cody. :slight_smile:

That is a very nice looking Uke. I hope you are enjoying your adventure.

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@murphybridget To be perfectly honest I am super reserved when it comes to playing in front of people, i don’t even play in front of my family. I haven’t looked to far into the Community Recordings Page yet, what do people use to upload their recordings ? Ive seen mostly youtubes platform used.

Thank you @SgtColon Always enjoying the Adventure and the many pleasures and discoverys along the way :+1:

Hi Cody, welcome to the community. I hope you’ve found an acoustic guitar that pulls you into the music, like your new uke.

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Thank you @SteveL_G99 I have and i got it at a fantastic discount, their was a blemish on the front, a broken E string and a tuner with surface rust so the kind man at the music shop took $125 of it for me as damaged stock, the rust came right off, the strings needed replacing anyways and the blemish gave it character so I spent the money I saved on my dogs :smile:

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Hoping to hear you soon. There are also other platforms that you can use to share your work like sound cloud.

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Hello @murphybridget I am hoping to post something soon, saving for a webcam. Thank you for the recommendation I will look into this sound cloud. :grin: :grin:

Hi Cody & welcome to the Community!!! This is a pretty cool place with lots of friendly people who are glad to help you out!
Have lots of fun with your uke & guitar!!!


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