From a Land Down Under

Thank you @CATMAN62 so far I’m going to agree with you :grin: meeting so many people from all over the place, this forum in all honesty is amazing its great to have found a place that hasn’t been over run by trolls and toxic people.

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Goodluck, may I suggest however that you invest in a better quality mic(if you don’t have any at the moment) instead of a webcam.

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Thank you @murphybridget for the advice, I am hoping to find a Rode NT USB microphone that I have in storage “have” being the key word :sweat_smile: I am trying to put together a DAW without spending too much, my computer has no webcam, currently I am using my old Samsung S5 duct taped to a piece of wood using droidcam. :sweat_smile: fingers crossed I find it :grin:

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I hope you that will make things so much better to you. Good luck in your journey.

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Nice to meet you Cody welcome to the forum.

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Thank you for the Welcome @TheMadman_tobyjenner :+1:

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