Gagan improvising / playing blues on an acoustic

These links of guitar videos were made public. It will directly go to the videos on Facebook. I don’t have a recording setup for YouTube.

Here are the links for my guitar videos:

1st set

2nd set


[mod edit - I have split these posts from the licks challenge one as these are videos of improvisation, not you playing a chosen lick Richard_close2u :slight_smile: ]


Nice work @Gagan :+1:

  • as per your original post, the second link works fine, the first takes you to facebook but the video doesn’t play … ( I don’t have Facebook to log on though, so could be that)

Love the guitar though :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you :pray::pray: @liaty

Just had a look and saw some tasty playing. Well done and thanks for sharing.

Thank you :heart_eyes: @Malz


The setup you have for Facebook should work for YouTube.



Hey Gagan, glad I came back to your videos today and I didn’t miss them! That was some decent and delightful playing, great!


First link of guitar videos were made when I was not playing guitar for 5 years. " Practice makes permanent not perfect " Justin Sir was right.

Second link of guitar video is practicing daily.


@Gagan Your video will not load in for me Gagan. Probably because I’m not a Facebook member. Any chance of you YouTubing it?


Hi Helen :heart_eyes:. I didn’t miss yours too.

Thank you :pray: Richard Sir.

Hi :smiling_face: @SgtColon. I replied before. If you are using mobile phone. After clicking on the guitar video, if the video is paused, tap once more, the video will play.


Sounding good Gagan, glad you got the FB link working. :+1:

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I’m not using a mobile. I’ve now tried it on 2 computers and both have the same problem. I can click on your video and then it just brings up a page with “loading” at the top and that is all it does.

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Same here …Normally I don’t click on Facebook links… I’m going back to normal :grimacing:

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Thanks all to you :pray: :pray: @TheMadman_tobyjenner

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Hi Richard @Richard_close2u

EDIT : solved … I was still listed as a creator and that is easy to adjust at the bottom … learned something about adjusting notifications, etc :sweat_smile:
End Edit!

No rush and IF it is possible and you have to spend many minutes trying to turn it off, please don’t do it… but, how is it possible that I get the notifications when someone posts in this thread? Yes, this thread is burped from mine, but still a bit strange, right? :smile:
Greetings and sorry for all the extra work I have caused you, directly or indirectly :blush:
here for the effort :bouquet: :guitar: :candle:

Strange name for a dog. :rofl: