Go Ahead And Break My Heart - Cover by Pkboo3, Kasper & LBro

At long last, after many months of work and waiting, we are now posting this collaboration. This is probably the last of the Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani duets we will do. We have simply done all they ever did that we like.

A special shout out to my collab members Pkboo3 who not only did a great job on vocals, but also sat down at the keyboard and sounded out, note by note our vocal harmony parts. - To me, they came out very nice. Kasper did something like about 17 tracks of guitars that are superb IMHO as well. This song would not be close to what it turned out like without their contributions and involvement!

Now - On with the show!



@LBro @pkboo3 @Kasper

Wow, I could enthuse and wax lyrical on and on. So rather shall keep it short. What a wonderful production. The real highlight is that there is no highlight, the entire production, every aspect is just right at the top drawer. Each of you have made a contribution that is a testament to your ability, creativity, determination, and commitment to doing the best you can. Superlatives like best ever, as good or better than the original, are oft too easily tossed around. This time round, they’d surely be well deserved.

Now I am sorry to hear that you have plumbed the depths of the Stefani & Shelton duet song book as you deliver such amazing covers, really plays to all your strengths.


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Brilliant :+1:

:boom: :dizzy: :boom: :scream: :clap: :clap: :clap: :man_bowing:

Pamela ,Kasper and LBro,

Wow I don’t know where or whether I should say what I think is extra good, with you Kasper I expect amazing guitar playing and that’s what I get :sunglasses: :man_bowing: and you LBro know how to connect something beautifully , maybe for me there was something extra beautiful on top of the mountain the two voices together but than and of course supported by the beautiful music, well anyway I enjoyed that masterpiece here this morning.

I’m almost done here for today and I’m going to continue the day with a smile and a wonderful tune in my head… :smiley:

Thank you all and greetings :bouquet: :man_bowing:

Hah - Hi David,
It is not often I am involved in a project that holds you speechless David… I will take note of this and try to replicate it down the road… :smile:

There is one more duet they did called “Happy Together”. But Pam has already covered it on her own and I know it does not have the excellent guitar work in it that this song does. I guess with Blake and Gwen, they could yet again pump out another top drawer duet. In fact, it has been a while and they are due. So, they might be back on our A-List to cover at some point.

Now for my plea! Good Male/Female duets are hard to find. If you know of one, let me know. We more or less are looking for classic rock or country rock type songs… Whoever suggest a song we use would be part of the creative process in producing another good M/F cover!

Thanks again David and take good care!

Thanks CD, ye be a man of few words there mate!

Hi Roger!
Glad you stopped by, took this in and that it made your day Sir! We put a lot of effort into these productions and it is nice to hear back that they are well liked. Nothing like a good taste left in the mouth, eh?

Good to hear your smile went beyound your listen and left a lasting impression! I know on my end, at my age. I can use an extra bounce in my step now and then.

Take care Roger!

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@LBro @Kasper @pkboo3
That was terrific guys and a testament to your creativity, hard work and musicality. I really enjoyed that. Well done to all of you.
To be able to create something like this when you are all geographically miles apart is really quite amazing.

:rofl::rofl: sorry, I’m usually a bit more descriptive but having listened to you guys I just thought there was nothing that a humble beginner like myself could add other than Brilliant​:clap:.

Hi Gordon!
Thanks for the view, listen and kudos! Much appreciated! Glad it struck your fancy on that end!

Yeah, technology today makes what was once impossible, more than possible now. What gets me is the speed of fast connections on both ends. Kasper’s guitar files sent to me for instance averaged about 60mb each and totaled about 1GB. I was able to download them in a second or 2. Try that with postal mail! I am not looking at a globe this minute. But I want to say Kasper is about half way around the globe from me. All this is indeed amazing and yet taken so much for granted today!

All the best mate!

Hey CD - Not a problem, just struck me that I think the forum prevent anything shorter than that… LOL

IS “CD02” short for Compact Disk Oxygen? - Juist curious…

Humble is good, it will serve you well. Keep in mind we all started in the same exact place as you. It is a marathon and will keep you busy in learning! Call it a lifelong deal!

Take care!

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@pkboo3 @LBro @Kasper

Hi there,
oh my goodness, what a nice piece of music you’ve created :star_struck:.
I have to admit, that - for what mysterious reason - I haven’t come across your previous collaborations on Shelton/Stefani-songs :face_with_peeking_eye:. I need to check them out :slightly_smiling_face:.

But this one sounds great. I have not the slightest clue, what it takes to put such a fine collab together, but I guess it’s a lot. Particularly, when you’re not together in a studio at the same time to record the song.

So, congratulations to all of you for this achievement. It needed everyone of you, to get this good.
Excellent music (fantastic solos, by the way), great vox, and awesome production :clap::clap::clap:.

Hi Nicole,
Ah, you must have liked this one… LOL :smile:

You have me there, on Blake and Gwen tune duets. I actually thought we had done more by them. From peeking at my YT channel it looks to be only one or two more. Problem is, they do so few, sadly. Here are some links:

Overall channel videos

Another Blake & Gwen duet - Nobody but you

Home (Christmas song) - We converted this to M/F singers…

Gone, Gone Gone -Producer’s Cut- A cover of a song done by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant - Very similar type duet and a good one IMHO.

I have done another Blake song by myself and it is called “No Body”. I think that and Gone, Gone, Gone are what made me think we did more of the Blake and Gwen duets perhaps…

Well, on what it takes to pull one of these off. This one started nearly a year ago. Everyone was busy and we had to wait a few months to get going on the project. From there I make a reference track of the original, all use to sing and play to. It ensures all the timing is maintained. As we complete tracks, we substitute ours in for the original and build up the song as we go. There were a lot of delays in this project and those made it much longer to complete. But figure it all took 6 months. I suspect 3-4 weeks would have worked if all could have dived in and pushed it. But anymore at my age, I am pretty project oriented - laid back and mellow.

Thanks so much for your kind input and kudos!
LB & Crew

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Wow! That’s a pro-level production!
Congratulations to all involved.

Glad to hear you guys like it so far, and thanks to LBro for inviting me to participate.

I’ve had lots of fun with this one. First of all, this is the first time I’ve posted a bass track here as well as guitars. So playing around with bass tones and recording that part was fun. Secondly, there are so many layers of guitars with so many different tonalities - acoustic tones, clean electric, slide guitar, crunchy tones, dark fuzz tones etc… Lots of fun for a “tone nerd” like me :wink:



Thank all of you who have commented. I feel safe to speak for
@Kasper and @LBro that we deeply appreciate each of you who have taken the time to listen and comment.

These two are pretty special and talented to be able to do all the artistic and “techie” stuff.

This is the first time I’ve been involved with Kasper and I was truly impressed with him in all aspects. Not the first time for LBro and I, but I think this one has been my favorite of all he and I have collaborated on.

Anyway, once again, thank you all.


@LBro @pkboo3 @Kasper
Very well done & wonderful collab!
I really enjoyed your sound, the vibe & the production!!! Everything is top notch :+1:t2:!!!
I think you all show so much talent & love for creating music!!! Truly great work, especially considering that you’re literally “worlds apart”!!!

If you’re considering another project with male/female duet, Robert Plant & Alison Krauss have 2 albums worth of old blues stuff that really makes me get up and move!!! Justin has a lesson for “Please Read the Letter”…

Or one of my faves…

T-Bone Burnett provides some really good guitar chops for several of their tracks!

Thank you for sharing your excellent video!!!


Thanks for the kind words… But last I checked, none of us were getting “Pro Grade” pay! LOL

Then again, I can’t write songs like this either…

All the best,

Enjoyed listening to this earlier today. I think @CD02 sums it up quite nicely, brilliant. Mixing, guitar and vocals were top notch. It was good to see @Kasper involvement, that boy is a guitar wizard. It would be good to follow up on this thread with a bit more detail on the guitar parts as he has grown accustomed to with all our questions. Bravo to all three of you.

Hi James @Socio ,
Thanks for the kind words and kudos.

I may be able to shed some light on the guitar parts, as @Kasper sent me a mixing road map to help get everything dialed in as he had envisioned. He can then possibly stop by and fill in any other blanks as he sees fit.

GUITAR MIX LAYOUT - ABOUT 16 TRACKS - (With 2 stereo tracks (in BOLD below) counted as 2 ea single tracks, for a total of 4 in the listing below).

Acoustic Left: 90% left, 0.0db
Acoustic Right: 90% right, 0.0db
Acoustic Mid: center, -3.5db

Crunch 8th: 90% left, 0.0db
Crunch Left: 75% left, 0.0db
Crunch Right: 75% right, 0.0db
Crunch Right 2, 90% right, -4.0db

Slide: center, +5db - (STEREO)
Clean Left: 75% left, +7.0db
Clean Right: 75% right, +7.0db

Fuzz Left: 85% left, -2.5db
Fuzz Right: 85% right, 0.0db
Fuzz Mid: 25% right, -6.0db

Solo: center, +4.0db - (STEREO)

There you have it and I hope it helps answer your questions? No matter how you add it up, that is a lot of very fine guitar work on this one! I am grateful Kasper took the time to send his map on the guitar mixing. I had my hands full spot leveling the vocals and getting the rest of the mix in order!

Side Note - I set up Kasper’s guitar work in Reaper with an overall parent folder. Each group below that were child folders of the parent folder. The tracks were then placed in those child folders. This made it easy for me to raise and lower all guitar levels against the rest of the mix. Don’t let the 0.0dB scare you as that was a reference number used up against the drums. The nested track layout worked very well and allowed for the final tweaking of all guitar parts in the mix in conjunction with the rest of the mix.

Be well and rock,