Goccia dopo goccia - Io mi chiamo Piccolo Do - I Love The Colour Blue

Simply lovely Silvia and I know I have mentioned it before but I love how you always play with a smile on your face!

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@math07 @sairfingers @Lisa_S @SusanW @pkboo3 @roger_holland @twistor59 @Eddie_09 thank you all guys and girls…I’m so happy you liked it :upside_down_face:

It is when one starts and as many other things it improves by keeping on trying; I think the best approach for me has been singing
and keeping the guitar really simple with downstrums on the beat, as Justin shows in his songs lessons and let the Rhythm develop slowly…

Thanks Pamela! I’m going to find a moment for some english exercise and make a translation, so @Lisa_S you can do some exercise with your italian as well :blush:

Hey sir, you’re not making fun out of me, are you?! :thinking::joy: The reason of my hope of my homework to be heard was only because I share here in the Community a lot more about my Classical Guitar journey :nerd_face:…now I would pat myself on the back only for sharing some acoustic progress :wink: …thank you Rogier for listening and sending your words of appreciation :hugs: I wish you a very good day :sunglasses::sunflower::lady_beetle::hugs:

I feel like there’s a whole fantastic world to be discovered about dynamics but I’m very proud to say I’ve eventually been able to take the first steps and started the journey :grin:

It makes anything easier :wink::blush::grin:


Superb, Silvia :smiley:
You’re coming along in leaps and bounds.
Stiamo tutti insieme, questo sì :wink:
The gioccia reminded me of this Dana Lyons tune :smiley:

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That was really good Silvia.

You asked for feedback - well, what can I say… that’s what someone who’s competent at both guitar and singing looks like. Really well done. Kudos!

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Ciao Silvia, what a lovely tune. I’ve never heard this song before, but I really like it. Your playing and singing is full of feeling. Really well done on changing between picking and strumming (while singing!!) :clap: :clap: :clap:. Great dynamics, too :+1:
I also like the message of the song :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

I wish you a great party. I’m absolutely certain that everybody will love this performance!

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Hi Silvia,

I definitely can tell the strumming sos course was worth your efforts. You sound amazing and I’m sure your class loved hearing the song. I sure did.


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…as simple as that…yet these words are somehow striking me, I keep on watching the video…and yes it’s me, it would be crazy to doubt it… unbelievable to one like me who felt so incompetent…I’m very happy I’m becoming this, thanks a lot Jk for those words you wrote!

Thank you Nicole, I much appreciate your comment! When the children are singing along it’s way sweeter than this because the feeling grows and it’s just magical!

…except for the hand that should keep on moving :shushing_face: I start with the best intentions, then I find myself strumming wild, then I analise my strumming, I find out it’s not wild, patterns are there…but weird ones :joy: Well at least I don’t feel robotic :sweat_smile:

Here are the translated lyrics for Pamela @pkboo3 and @Lisa_S and @brianlarsen to practice their italian :blush: I did a good exercise with my english :sweat_smile: please be indulgent with the mistakes :wink:


What is a drop of water if you think of the sea? The little pomegranate seed? A green grass blade in a big meadow, a dew drop, what is it?

The pace of a child, just one note, a sign on a stave, a word…Someone says it’s nothing but it’s not true because…do you know why?..you know, because…

Drop by drop a river is born
Step by step you get far
Just one word and a song starts
From a “ciao” said by chance a new friendship

And if one only voice can’t be’ heard much
Together with many others it becomes a choir
And anyone can sing even if he’s off-key
From nothing nothing starts and that’s all!

CHORUS: It doesn’t matter if we’re not big like mountains, like mountains, what counts is to stay all together to help those who can’t make it, to help those who can’t make it!

Drop by drop…

Drop by drop a river is born
And 1000 grass blades make a meadow,
Just one word and here’s a song
From a “ciao” said by chance one more friendship

Step by step you get far
Get to 10 and you’re able to count
A huge skyscaper starts from a brick
From nothing nothing starts, that’s all


Let’s stay together, this yes! From nothing nothing starts that’s all!

Drop by drop…


Thanks a lot for the translation, Silvia :hugs:. Beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


L’ho già fatto con Google :laughing:

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Thank you, Silvia for the effort you put in to transcribe the lyrics. I loved it! Well done!!

Second Recording on post #1
You’ll have to bear with me…there will be a third recording, as I always forget we’re expected to sing something in english too!

It’s very handy, but you are right, it’s much better to figure it out yourself :wink:

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:open_mouth: this easy?! I’m…:zipper_mouth_face: but the exercise is all worth it :innocent:

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Your playing really captures the essence of the song beautifully! Looking forward to hearing the other song! The CASA PENTAGRAMMA sounds intriguing!

Keep up the great work!

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Hello Bridget, thanks a lot for listening and commenting! I’m glad you liked it!

The recording is on the first post here, below the Goccia dopo goccia video :blush:

Oh, Silvia, what are you doing to me!
This divine Italian will drive anyone crazy :crazy_face: And it is phonetically very close to Russian. Oh, it’s been a long time since I sang in my native language :thinking:
Mind-blowing performance and wonderful background along with translation. I especially liked Grandpa “Yes”, who always agrees with everyone :grinning:
Thank you for the positive mood that lights up your every appearance. Bravissimo!

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Thanks Leo…you’re too kind ! Why don’t you sing in your own mothertongue? I love italian music, we do have such great artists and songwriters… :thinking: more in the past I’m afraid…but I don’t know about russian music…Well, to tell the truth I can play this Little Birch Tree in the Field folk song, I learnt it because it was in my Classical Guitar Method Book :blush:

Thank you for pointing that out. I will check that out promptly.

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Yes, I know the great Italian classical guitarists of the past. Carulli, Carcassi, Giuliani - I took my first steps on the guitar by practicing on their guitar sketches.
As for my singing in Russian, I do it occasionally. And I’m thinking of doing a cover in Russian in the near future.
And I will definitely post a translation of lyrics into English.
Thank you again for the wonderful piece of Italian music :clap:

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Nice work on your offerings. I liked the knee pick swapping trick! Your play was nice and the vocals were a nice addition as well. Keep up the good vibe!


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