Good songs in other languages?

Yesā€¦ I know and I have been busy posting there. But thenā€¦ Thatā€™s limited to one language as well :nerd_face:

This one doesnt fit there for exampleā€¦


Really beautiful ā€¦ and what a wonderful gift to the children :slightly_smiling_face:

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Very entertaining :smiley:

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Oh Iā€™d have to put a plug in for Brazilian music here then.

Paula Fernandes - Eu Sem Voce
Kid Abelha - Lagrimas e Chuva
Alceu Valenca - La Belle de Jour

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True. Seems they put each and every clichƩe about Finnish men into that video. :grinning:

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:slightly_smiling_face: I listened to them allā€¦ Never heard of any of them ā€¦ But what can I say: Alceu ValenƧa, wow, that man can sing :slightly_smiling_face:

Lieven Iā€™m playing this one these days on the uke! I promised my old daddy I would bring my uke next time Iā€™ll visit himā€¦so Iā€™m learning it for him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sure you donā€™t need tutorials but you can find it useful to check this one for guitar:

And the next one for fun with the uke :grin:

Maybe a AVideo of me playing it soon :grin:

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I love this traditional Irish song covered here by Celtic Thunder. It starts out in Irish (or Celtic?), then switches to English. Itā€™s a fun, lullaby-like song that Iā€™m learning to play fingerstyle to share with my two grandsons.

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Ohi ohiā€¦why are are they so angry? :joy: It was a bit weird as the italian song is pretty much about lightness, with just a subtle criticism feeling too of those yearsā€™ italian lifestyle, (well at least I read it, might be arguable)

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Croatian punk band (Hladno pivo - Cold beer) cover of a cover of ā€œForever youngā€, sung in German. The frontman of the band is university educated professor of both German and English languages. :smiley:


I love old japanese songs and this one is one of my very favourite
I wish I could play it one day
So much emotions in that song


Nicole Iā€™m in troubleā€¦I could link about :thinking: one hundred :thinking: of italian songs that I simply love and that to me are so very goodā€¦how do I do? I need some criteria :joy:
Ok, just one for the nostalgicā€¦can someone tell me that my acoustic guitar will sound this smooth and sweet? :pray::joy:

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Hmmā€¦ Hmmā€¦ Well, the metal version is if course an ironic nod to the Finnish Schlager version (not to the Italian original) as well as to the tough guy ice hockey cultureā€¦ :laughing:

There is a funny video of an Italian guy reacting to the original Italian Schlagerā€¦

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Since replying to each and everyone separately would probably make this thread almost unreadable, Iā€™m trying to bundle my answers hereā€¦

@NicoleKKB Oohā€¦ Thatā€™s a very nice song. I think it would suit your voice really wellā€¦

@theoldman66 Ian, I have never heard about Rembetika. And what on earth is that microscopically small thing the one guy is playing? :open_mouth:

@mfeeney0110 Hmmā€¦ And you are singing those first lines to them in Irish Gaelic then as well? :slightly_smiling_face:

@Boris1565 Thank you so much for sharing. Reading your introduction of the song alone was an utter delight. Well, if thatā€™s not punk, what is :grinning: I will definitely check out that band. Andā€¦ The German of the singer. Perfect. I could not detect any accent at all.

@MacOneill Wow, what a song. There is so much emotion in the singing and playingā€¦ I love it. Is that guy known, I mean does he have albums or so?

@SILVIA I never said you may put just one song onto the list ā€¦ :grinning: :slightly_smiling_face: :nerd_face:
I know that songā€¦I have heard it many times I just - for the life of me - canā€™t figure out how I know it. Eurovisions maybe?

Noā€¦wait stop. Stop the presses. Iā€™m daft. @Silvia Itā€™s this one of courseā€¦ :laughing:


His name is Masayoshi Yamazaki

he made many albums

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Ningen Isu, anyone? As one of the comments says, ā€œ8 minutes of metal thunderā€ - and with english subtitles. Contrary to appearances, thatā€™s not Uncle Fester on bass


Apparently itā€™s a baglamas or baglamadaki. It is a version of the bouzouki and musically is most often found supporting the bouzouki in the rebetiko style. Under the Metaxas dictatorship (1936-41) Rebetiko was banned, due to its uncompromising (i.e. subversive) lyrics, as was playing the bouzouki and baglamas, so the baglamasā€™ small size made it particularly popular for musicians who needed an instrument small enough to hide under their coat to avoid having it smashed by the police! (Itā€™s amazing the rabbit holes that a google search can lead you down!)


Just whizzed through this and canā€™t believe no one has mentioned the Mongolian music masters ?

The Who Hu !

Two early classics.

And a very recent release


Could not miss this one off


Very big smile :grinning: They are phantastic. All these guys are classically trained and when I saw them live last year at a festival even the sound was fine.

Theyā€™ll start their European tour in Helsinki this year - andā€¦ oh yesā€¦ I will be there :sunglasses:

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