Good songs in other languages?

Thank you. Most interestingā€¦ I think, I as well will happily jump into many a :rabbit2: :hole: discovered in this threadā€¦

The Japanese metal is great btwā€¦ Even of ai didnā€™t make it through the whole right minutes something somethingā€¦ Now if the singer would only have a bit more of a metal voice :nerd_face:

From the incomparable Mina:

The goofy video is from the 1960 movie Urlatori alla Sbarra. Jazz aficionados might recognize the guy in the bathtub: Chet Baker.


Iā€™m really sorry I just couldnā€™t resist this. At least the presenter is auf Deutsch. For the rhythmically challenged, just watch the drummer:

Hmmā€¦ If she would have sung the introduction, Peter, then this would have counted as valid entry :slightly_smiling_face: :wink:

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I could write pages thinking about this, which is what sprang to mind. I shanā€™t, unless people want to know more. Suffice to say South Africa is one of those multi-lingual countries (11 which is paltry compared to some but still significant) and this is one in Afrikaans. And personally significant for me given the age I was at the time, what was going on, and I used to hang out in Hillbrow frequently.

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Hmmā€¦ I would actually love to read pages and pages about this. The different styles and and the social-cultural role of these different genres of music in South Africaā€™s history must be hugely fascinating topics.

I googled Hillbrow ā€¦ the history of the place alone seems intriguing.

Oh, and the song is nice too :slightly_smiling_face:

@JokuMuu could you tell the difference? Sung German is very similar to spoken; just chatting

PS: my familyā€™s from Hamburg

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What a voiceā€¦ :star_struck:

What?! :open_mouth: :laughing:.

Thanks for the TĆ¼delband, how can I ever get that out of my head again?

Ha, Nicole, Steilvorlage, I couldnā€™t resist to digg out Udoā€¦
More serious songs will follow soonā€¦


Haha, you must have it really bad then! Donā€™t wait for me then, just go to their YouTube channel and everything from when they were tiny playing Classical Piano is documented! Thereā€™s a huge number of videos!

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Heilung, theyā€™re a Danish group of people who try to preserve the ancient culture and language, itā€™s a very interesting journey to learn about them!

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I was thinking of Udo ever since the TĆ¼delband. Well him and Heidi Kabelā€¦ :upside_down_face:

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One of Kaleoā€™s only two songs in Icelandic as far as a I know, absolutely awesome.
Their songs are probably gonna be the majority of my lesson requests for a while.


I thought it was just me that discovered Heidi! Iā€™d better not post her version of TĆ¼delband. I think it means yo-yo or a similar toy. Apparently that song is in the Hamburg dialect; my Dad used to sing itā€¦

Norhan, behind what kind of rock am I living that I didnā€™t even know that band? Almost 2 million subscribers on YouTubeā€¦ It must be a rock of gigantic dimensions :rock:

Thank you so much for sharing, itā€™s a so beautiful song (and a wonderful video). I will definitely check out the bandā€¦

Yes, it is :slightly_smiling_face: This article explains what is meant with TĆ¼delband in this case (Google translate but quite ok)

Youā€™re welcome, Iā€™m really happy you liked it. Theyā€™re famous but not too much somehow. And their music is pretty diverse as youā€™ll see, and just beyond good honestly.

@JokuMuu Fantatish. Der Abendblatt explains all. Now I left Hamburg in 1974, along with my Stratocaster, so am grateful of the Google translation. The second verse is about a girl with a basket of eggs and a bottle of rum in the other hand. If youā€™re not careful Iā€™ll start posting songs in glory of the Reeperbahnā€¦

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Leave the honours to me thenā€¦ DĆ¼del dĆ¼del dĆ¼t. Itā€™s not even that bad a songā€¦ in this versionā€¦