GREENSLEEVES on Electric Guitar

I can hardly believe it either, but here’s another song already from me…
Just for you JK… the only and last words at the end are for you… :grin: :wink:

I find this relatively easy song :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (compared to Yesterday :innocent:) quite difficult to play everything in the right flow (time) as can sometimes be heard a little bit…(and some small mistakes of course)… but this is take 8 or 9 :smile: of about 15 attempts Then I listened to them all again and this is the one…started yesterday …but I practiced it a long time ago (yes yes @jkahn and…) a lot :grin:

Greetings and have fun :sunglasses:


Sounds lovely, Roger, smooth playing and tone.


Sounds good to me Roger.

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Hi David @DavidP And Rob @R.F.W
Thank you very much for the listening and comment :smiley: :sunglasses:


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Sounding very good Rogier the 8th. You’re on a roll… looking forward to the next recording. :smiley:

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Rogier… I’m very happy to see that you’re getting wiser with age and share more of your musical goodness with us :star_struck::hugs::grin:
Lovely playing, sweet rolling chords and…you only know where the “mistakes” are…to my ear the flow of notes kept on going smoothly and gently :notes::notes::notes:
And a very delicate touch too. Bravo!!!
When I saw “Greensleeves” my heart…I don’t know how to say in english and too tired to Google it…anyway you know I love this tune with all my heart and loved your rendition of it as well, thanks for sharing it :blush::blush::blush:

Ps: I did a couple of re-listen before writing that I didn’t detect any mistakes…only found out beatiful playing :woman_shrugging::blush:


Hi James @Socio
:laughing: … thank you very much :sunglasses:
Yes …Yes I am on a roll :upside_down_face:… but now it’s ENOUGH :grimacing: :sweat_smile:…I think :roll_eyes:

Hi Silvia @SILVIA
:laughing: you two should stop joking, i’m always dead serious… :roll_eyes:
Oh and you’re way too nice for me right now :blush: no really and truly :blush:…but I appreciate your comment :smiley: :bouquet: (note to myself…i need to take new pictures of flowers and learn how to shrink those pictures to post here)


Hi Roger, a lovely piece. Thanks. Keep on sharing.

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You can never have enough of a good thing… we could always put it to a vote since you recently figured out how to use the forum poll system :wink:

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Rhanks for sharing!

solid picking and strums, good fingerwork, nice ringing notes overall.

Still a bit work needed on the rhythm/timing as you mentioned but that’s ok; you’re making progress!

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Ah, good to see another Rogier video so soon. And great that it could be Greensleeves :wink:. Took a while to fulfil my request, but hey, got there in the end. I do want to know… as this was take 9 of 15… did you say “finally JK” after every take? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It sounded good. I know how tricky this is. There’s playing the chords and notes, and then there is the timing - although I like to think of Justin’s falling leaf lesson with slow and fast parts of these chord melodies. Also the relative lightness or intensity of plucking, which notes to emphasise, etc.

I reckon it was good dude, well worth moving on to something new and putting that one in the done pile into you come back to it eventually!


I like it a lot, sounded nice, but I have to admit I was hoping for some crunchy grit, flanger or phaser. Maybe next time. :wink:

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I like this a lot. Thanks for sharing.

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Ah you starting to spoil us here Rogier with your recordings, awesome :grinning: love that piece and you really played it well, rolling chords you had going perfectly and super tasty! Bravo, so how many more until end of the week? :grin:

Now I need to know this too! :rofl:

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Ah well that was just superb, Rogier! :clap: :smiley: :tada: A lot time and effort has clearly gone in to making that as smooth and precise as it is. Exceptionally well done! :star_struck:
And, as Adi said, you’ve certainly spoiled us in the past few days! Enjoying hearing your playing, it is a delight! :sunglasses: :+1:

Like @SILVIA I watched and listened through a few times, I can’t spot the mistakes?! :thinking: You have hidden them well, like some Where’s Wally (Waldo?) book :face_with_monocle: :joy:


Hi Tony @TonyHS
Thank you for your comment :sunglasses:

Hi James @Socio
:blush: well we see :smile:
Oooo no,I was already afraid that that would backfire me :face_with_raised_eyebrow:… Ps: I saw this weekend that such a poll is also on the watsapp … oh my poor wife :joy: :rofl:

Hi Lieven @LievenDV
Thank you very much,liked to hear that and glad you don’t find more errors …but if you hear or see it I want you to say it absolutely and clearly please :smiley:

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Hi JK @jkahn ,
I can be very slow (or put things away for a long time :blush:)

:joy: :rofl: :joy: Ooooo,And when I started it I already knew what I would say about this … and I expected this thought but also this question in one way or another from you :rofl: (or someone else :smile:)
the first 3 times I actually knew that they weren’t going to be, so no … then 6 times I did :rofl:
the times after that too, but that went with such a big grin or even laughing where my voice distorted strangely :joy: that I really didn’t want to post it … except for one, but I really played with a very big mistake in it…so you maked my day yesterday and now laughing too…

A lot in my head every day … only sometimes in my fingers, I could process that better for my feeling in ‘Yesterday’

Thanks for your comment very much :smiley: :sunglasses: :blush:

Nice one Roger. Some delicate playing there mate. Keep em comin’ :+1:

Cheers, Shane

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Hi Clint @CT
Thanks for your comment :sunglasses:
I didn’t like Crunchy (gain) here … I still have to buy the other one :grimacing:

Hi Rebecca @LunaRocket
Thank you very much for your comment :smiley:

Hi Adrian @adi_mrok
:joy: :blush: Thank you very much ,I keep finding it difficult to play so many rolling chords and then hear them back with my critical (for myself) look…
And,Nooooooo chance :grin:

Hi Jeff @nzmetal
Thank you very much
you are much too sweet :blush:, Yes I worked my butt off :grin: But I also keep thinking about what kind of work you (hard work :sweat_smile: and hardmetal) and for example Adrian (that last one :scream:) have recently made … well dreams are fun and I enjoy and grow every day …
I liked to see others grow as spinach on a sunny day :sunglasses:

Hi Shane @sclay
Thank you very much :sunglasses:
Nice of you to visit this fingerstyle … this and Yesterday are nice variations of the blues playing and licks for me … although I recently found an acoustic rock backing track (and some more rock/country etc stuff) which I also like … I play just the blues licks slightly different or exactly the same :roll_eyes: :grin:


Sounded really good, @roger_holland You definitely brought some rays of sunshine into this very dark and rainy day here :sun_with_face:

And just like this very dark Kiwi @nzmetal sings: More, more, more :sunglasses: