I can hardly believe it either, but here’s another song already from me…
Just for you JK… the only and last words at the end are for you…
I find this relatively easy song (compared to Yesterday ) quite difficult to play everything in the right flow (time) as can sometimes be heard a little bit…(and some small mistakes of course)… but this is take 8 or 9 of about 15 attempts Then I listened to them all again and this is the one…started yesterday …but I practiced it a long time ago (yes yes @jkahn and…) a lot
Rogier… I’m very happy to see that you’re getting wiser with age and share more of your musical goodness with us
Lovely playing, sweet rolling chords and…you only know where the “mistakes” are…to my ear the flow of notes kept on going smoothly and gently
And a very delicate touch too. Bravo!!!
When I saw “Greensleeves” my heart…I don’t know how to say in english and too tired to Google it…anyway you know I love this tune with all my heart and loved your rendition of it as well, thanks for sharing it
Ps: I did a couple of re-listen before writing that I didn’t detect any mistakes…only found out beatiful playing
Hi James @Socio … thank you very much
Yes …Yes I am on a roll … but now it’s ENOUGH …I think
Hi Silvia @Silvia80 you two should stop joking, i’m always dead serious…
Oh and you’re way too nice for me right now no really and truly …but I appreciate your comment (note to myself…i need to take new pictures of flowers and learn how to shrink those pictures to post here)
Ah, good to see another Rogier video so soon. And great that it could be Greensleeves . Took a while to fulfil my request, but hey, got there in the end. I do want to know… as this was take 9 of 15… did you say “finally JK” after every take?
It sounded good. I know how tricky this is. There’s playing the chords and notes, and then there is the timing - although I like to think of Justin’s falling leaf lesson with slow and fast parts of these chord melodies. Also the relative lightness or intensity of plucking, which notes to emphasise, etc.
I reckon it was good dude, well worth moving on to something new and putting that one in the done pile into you come back to it eventually!
Ah you starting to spoil us here Rogier with your recordings, awesome love that piece and you really played it well, rolling chords you had going perfectly and super tasty! Bravo, so how many more until end of the week?
Ah well that was just superb, Rogier! A lot time and effort has clearly gone in to making that as smooth and precise as it is. Exceptionally well done!
And, as Adi said, you’ve certainly spoiled us in the past few days! Enjoying hearing your playing, it is a delight!
Like @Silvia80 I watched and listened through a few times, I can’t spot the mistakes?! You have hidden them well, like some Where’s Wally (Waldo?) book
Hi Tony @TonyHS
Thank you for your comment
Hi James @Socio well we see …
Oooo no,I was already afraid that that would backfire me … Ps: I saw this weekend that such a poll is also on the watsapp … oh my poor wife
Hi Lieven @LievenDV
Thank you very much,liked to hear that and glad you don’t find more errors …but if you hear or see it I want you to say it absolutely and clearly please
Hi JK @jkahn ,
I can be very slow (or put things away for a long time )
Ooooo,And when I started it I already knew what I would say about this … and I expected this thought but also this question in one way or another from you (or someone else )
the first 3 times I actually knew that they weren’t going to be, so no … then 6 times I did
the times after that too, but that went with such a big grin or even laughing where my voice distorted strangely that I really didn’t want to post it … except for one, but I really played with a very big mistake in it…so you maked my day yesterday and now laughing too…
A lot in my head every day … only sometimes in my fingers, I could process that better for my feeling in ‘Yesterday’
Hi Clint @CT
Thanks for your comment
I didn’t like Crunchy (gain) here … I still have to buy the other one
Hi Rebecca @LunaRocket
Thank you very much for your comment
Hi Adrian @adi_mrok Thank you very much ,I keep finding it difficult to play so many rolling chords and then hear them back with my critical (for myself) look…
And,Nooooooo chance
Hi Jeff @nzmetal
Thank you very much
you are much too sweet , Yes I worked my butt off But I also keep thinking about what kind of work you (hard work and hardmetal) and for example Adrian (that last one ) have recently made … well dreams are fun and I enjoy and grow every day …
I liked to see others grow as spinach on a sunny day
Hi Shane @sclay
Thank you very much
Nice of you to visit this fingerstyle … this and Yesterday are nice variations of the blues playing and licks for me … although I recently found an acoustic rock backing track (and some more rock/country etc stuff) which I also like … I play just the blues licks slightly different or exactly the same