Greetings from Melbourne, Australia

Hi all,

Stuart here, I’m a newbie to guitar after spending years upon years dabbling in electronic music and DJing. I’m enjoying the guitar journey so far, and being a theory geek, I enjoy the deep dive into understanding what works and why. I’ve been a member for six months and am loving the structure of the lessons. If anyone’s from Melbourne I’d love to catch up.

Thanks all.



Hey Stu, welcome mate. Plenty of people from this region on here in general. I’m WA, great to see you here :+1:

Hi Stu,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Welcome to the forum Stuart

Hello Stu, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.

Hi Stu, welcome to the community forum.

Welcome to the community Stuart from a fellow Oz in NSW. Stick close to Justins lessons and reach out here anytime.
Good to get into the theory early on if you’re so inclined. It can really help your development.
All the best.

Cheers, Shane

Hey Stu, great to hear from another Aussie here, a few of us lurking around. :slight_smile:

A great guitar experience in the greater Melbourne area is a tour of the Cole Clark factory. Also the Acoustic Centre guitar shop is awesome. We visited there last year and in the two days I visited the Acoustic Centre I would have played $150k AU worth of guitars, they have all the boutique brand you tend to only hear about down under.

Look forward to hearing more from you

Thanks mate :slight_smile:

Thanks Roger. Fun it most certainly is. A huge learning curve, but heaps of fun.

Thanks Shane.

Hey Tony. I’ve heard from a few Aussies, which is always good :-). I wasn’t aware of the tour of the Cole Clark Factory. I’ll check it out shortly as mucking around with guitars is all part of the fun. Do you play acoustic or electric (or both)? Stu

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Thanks @NicoleKKB and @SteveL_G99 for the warm wishes. Great to be part of the community.

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I play almost exclusively acoustic. I have an electric but it rarely gets touched.

:wave: Welcome to the group Doc. :slight_smile:


G’day, mate and welcome aboard :smiley:
Fair few Aussies here and most of them with a sunny disposition :sunglasses:
Whenever I come across anyone from Melbourne, I tell them to check out Skyscraper Stan, my favourite up and coming musician based in your town and often plays small venues for free. Look him up on your favourite platform :smiley:

Welcome to the community Stu!

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Hey Stu welcome to the JG community !

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Welcome! From just outside of Washington, DC in Bethesda, MD. This is a truly great place to hang out! Oh, and there is that guitar thing too.

Lots of support for all and a great place to learn.


Ha! Only my students call me Doc :slight_smile:

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