?Guilty? Pleasures!

Isn’t it cool when you hear an unexpected take on a song you love?
Multiple years back, my wife & I saw Don Henley in ABQ. It was an outdoor concert in early October & so cold & drizzly that even though we had “cheap seats”, a bunch of people didn’t show so when Don came on stage he asked everyone to Come on Down & we ended up with seats in the 3rd or 4th row! Anyway, the band performed Hotel California & instead of the guitar solo on guitar it was done with trombones & saxophones!!! The “crowd” (there were only a couple of hundred of us) went berserk it was so cool!!!
Just a couple of weeks ago, this homeless guy in a parking lot at the local grocery store was busking with a beat up old violin & rocking stuff from The Police, AC/DC, The Cars & more… you could tell that he was in need but really having a good time too!
It took me almost an hour to pick up bread, milk & some meat for our dinner - I called my wife & had her listen on speakerphone!
Definitely a “WOW” moment & I really appreciated the entertainment rather that just a cardboard sign telling us all of his woes. Sad that so many are in such a state of want these days… but music really helps to make one’s day & this guy looked HOMEless but not HOPEless!!!


I think my guilty pleasures would probably some of the cheesy rock/metal that bands such as Poison put out in the 1980’s - I wouldn’t say it was cool back then and it hasn’t aged well!

There’s a lot of pop from 1970s/1980s that I grew up listening to that I’m sure I could sing a long to if they were played but I never listen to them of my own choosing so I don’t think they count.

I started listening to metal in the late 1980s and by the mid-1990s that (plus some classic rock) was all that I listened to. Since then nothing has changed and I haven’t listened to any chart music in more than 20 years so it’s impossible to have any guilty pleasures from this era. I suppose at a push, some of my more “normal” friends might be slightly horrified by some of the heavier bands that I listen to so maybe that makes those bands a guilty pleasure?

I started this thread kinda “tongue in cheek” but some insightful opinions have unexpectedly come out of it from others… the original thought the sort of songs that were really pretty embarrassing to admit you liked when they were Top 40 hits. Now, many years later, they’re even more so. I hear “Manic Monday” on the Oldies station & find myself singing along… and I never even liked that song.

Which could be another subject entirely - why does the brain retain junk like lyrics to songs that you never liked but doesn’t retain things like “Where the Hell did I park the car???”…

But, again, the theme here is more of a “If my buddies/significant other knew I liked this, I’d be embarrassed!” thing. So, if it’s that sort of a thing for you, it’s a “Guilty Pleasure”! :grin:


Repetition? How many times do you wonder where you parked the car when you park it at home or other same place.

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I have a hard time finding the car in my garage for Pete’s sake…
it sure stinks getting older…
thanks to Justin for helping us “old guys”… & I’m only 60!!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This is so true. And it’s true of songs since I last heard in 1986… play me some 80s Madonna and I’ll know the words! And to @tony ’s point, yes, it’s down to repetition but you’d think after almost 40 years even the endless repetition would have started to fade!

And so you might think that something like “Material Girl” might be my guilty pleasure, well maybe except I’ve not listened to it in 30+ years and it’s what 13-year-old me was listening to because everyone else was then. It’s a lot easier to explain that than why I enjoy listening to some very angry man shouting into a mic for 5 minutes against a background of drums and guitars being played as loud and fast as possible! I think a lot of my friends know that I listen to metal (I wear the t-shirts so they’re not paying attention if they don’t) but most would be truly shocked if they heard some post-2000 metal because they think Enter Sandman is as metal as it gets!

Hi Tod,

That’s a great story about Don Henley. One of my favorites is Boys of Summer, which I’m still try to master playing. I posted a cover of “ The Heart of the Matter” here and that one came out pretty decent. I would love to have seen him in an intimate show. Water dries so glad you stuck it out.

The homeless guy’s performance sounded unique too. When I first started playing I knew some of the homeless people who hung out at the beach who were really talented. Maybe they could not get their lives figured out but sure figured out music.


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So, a bit off topic here but I can’t seem to get anything to properly link. I try to upload to the site but end up with a broken link - any ideas for me?


Hi Tod,

I’m not really a technology expert but for videos I just copy and paste the YouTube links and for photos I click on the photo icon on the bottom and it works.

The next time you park the car, sing “I parked the car in the street 2 blocks over,” or wherever, tunes help with memory.

Thanks Jeff, I’ll try that again…


Not sure if that’ll help Rebecca, it’s worth a try though!


Maybe next question is what cringe worthy songs do you find yourself singing along to when you hear it play that you would never purchase or stream.

Well James, I have mentioned a whole bunch of those up-thread… only because it’s extremely unlikely that we’ll ever actually meet in person!!! I am Not telling friends, family or coworkers!!! :rofl:


Total Eclipse of the Heart

Bonnie Tyler can be a bit addictive - I won’t tell on you though, Jason!!!

Anybody remember this one?


My only experience of that was during the old Classic Beginners course. I had to look it up and thought mmm not my java but played it anyway - it was a great rhythm for improving technique. Jeepers I even played that Brit Knee thing about hitting someone. Guilty of listening but certainly no pleasure. :crazy_face:

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Hmm… Travis’ version of the hitting song is not even that bad :grinning:


Maybe he was going for more of an Ed style

Either way as long as he wasn’t wearing his old school uniform while practicing it during the classic course.