Guitar Challenge - Play your favorite short lick or riff here!

Fun thread!

I feel it’s way too early to have my own signature licks, so the only “lick” I know well for now is a little solo I’m practicing for a Mariachi Song (Para Siempre).
I like these little legatos in the line, probably will steal it for sure in the future:


Thanks Rogier, this is a great idea. Can share what I’m doing without giving too much away! (Don’t know why I don’t like sharing stuff I’ll perform in the future???)

One of a few licks found in Don’t look back in anger by Oasis.

Has gotten me acquainted with the C Major Pentatonic, based around this kind of (box) you may call it…

Justin has a lesson but it’s for one guitar,
I’ve recently had the opportunity to collaborate with others at our local open mic so I’m playing the lead parts. It’s a new challenge!

Long way to go on the solo, keeping me busy.


Now, what a cunning plan @roger_holland !
Don’t chase the licks…bring the licks to you.
Genius! :+1::rofl:

Seriously though, it’s a great, fun idea. Short, sweet, and likely lots of variety. And, importantly, could become a little library of inspiration for many.
Now, to choose one or two…:thinking:
Good stuff Roger.

Cheers Shane


This sounds fun, great idea Rogier! And also some pretty cool riffs and licks so far. Been ages since there was a challenge, and now one I can participate :smiley:

Here’s one I’ve been mucking around with. A Hendrix style lick from Weezer. Anyone else like Weezer?


Good stuff JK.
At first I thought it was the intro lick to Say it ain’t so but no. Which song?
Love me a bit of Weezer :grinning:
Hash Pipe is my favourite on the radio but for visuals you just can’t beat the genius of Buddy Holly :sunglasses:


Hello, how nice that you are so enthusiastic, and that @Richard_close2u Richard has made it a Challenge :sunglasses: so yes agree @jkahn . just a few things ,I’m not going to completely fill this up with my sentences and words (I hope :roll_eyes:)

No, it’s the pet lick of the moment or maybe the day and as far as I’m concerned that hour and you just learned your first lick, but I noticed with those few videos of mine that I already heard some “regular” things coming back …Ps : nice :sunglasses:

I have never made a lick book and sometimes I miss it and quickly forget a lot of licks so this seemed like a good alternative :sweat_smile: and I have already seen something that I liked to learn and start to look at better soon from someone hanging upside down in relation to my but I won’t say who

Hi @brianlarsen …nice the first one I put in folder “guitar lesson” I have…But the thread is " Licks YOU PLAYED ":thinking: … One day and you’ve broken the rules …again… I’ll light a candle tonight for your former teachers :roll_eyes:


It most definitely is Say it ain’t so, it’s one of the lead fills - at about 49 seconds in the vid you linked. It is at the end of one of the main riffs after first chorus (which I also have been playing for a while, but hey, this is a one lick thread right?). You’re probably just used to hearing it over the rhythm guitar.

Say it ain’t so was one of my dreamer songs when I first started, and I’ve been piecing it together.

I saw Weezer live a couple of weeks ago. So good. I know so many of their lyrics by heart. Knowing you’re also a Weezer fan makes me want to learn a few more of their songs…


Ah, makes sense and restores my faith in occasionally stumbling on the right path :person_with_white_cane: :sunglasses:
Nice job and I look forward to when your dreams become reality :grinning:


Some lush licks going on in here.

Great idea Rogier and when I find something lickable I’ll post it right on in here.

1 Like

Every time I say ‘B’ I mean ‘Bb’ :slight_smile:


@Siff @liaty @jkahn @mathsjunky some nice contributions guys and even a “tut” from Paul !!
Will have to dust something down and bring it to the table, if I can tear myself away from the fingerstyle work. :sunglasses:


Reminds me of that great bluesman B Flat King!


Thanks Eddie! And for the RWC final! :smiley: Yeah, it was an incredible game against your team, best of the competition imo, such a shame it wasn’t in the final, should’ve been really! So close!
:crossed_fingers::grimacing: :cold_sweat: :joy:

That’s so cool! Great to have him on our side! We’ll take all the support we can get, I think we might need it! :rugby_football: :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:

Thanks Toby! :sunglasses: :+1:

Oh no! That’s no good :cry: …although… NPCD coming up??? :smirk: :joy:

Yeah, totally! I hadn’t considered that but hear it now. So interesting how the same threads flow through the generations of guitarists, really like that aspect :slightly_smiling_face:


What a great idea, Rogier! Thanks for this little challenge. :smiley:

There are some very cool licks around here, thanks to all so far! Very inspiring.

No yet to deep in the lead or improv things, but while noodling I “found” a sweet little end lick for C major in open position. Probably I stole/adapted it from the one and only Tommy Emmanuel who stole it from the one and only Chet Atkins. Here it goes in two slightly different rhythmic feels:

Cheers - Lisa


Licks, riffs…its all semantics… :grinning:

Anyway here’s a couple of blues ‘lines’. One ‘vanilla’ one, and one ‘funky’ one.
The ‘vanilla’ one is 100% stolen, unashamedly.
The ‘funky’ one I’m claiming as mine, but very likely copied/modified from somewhere else.

The thing I like about these licks is they can be easily modified in dozens of ways to create more licks, either by playing around with the intervals/ and or the phrasing. Or extend them to create lines into the next chord etc.

Cheers, Shane

Vanilla Blues Lick 1 - E Shape in A

Funky Blues Lick 2 - A Shape in E


Thought twice about posting a favourite as I have quite a few go to phrases. However this one, which forms part of one of the Blues Rock Solos I have been learning this year, is fun to play when you get the bends right. :scream: Recently I have been dropping it into impros on the odd occasion I’ve had a few noodles and experimented with other keys and trying to find octave examples elsewhere on the neck.


Played first in context, which is the second half of the solo, then a couple of slow demo examples.

Oh yeah as someone tagged me regards pups and switches, I dusted down the growly Pimp Strat. Hammer Head HBs on bridge pup. :sunglasses:


@Lisa_S you are stealing from great master and no doubt they were robbing someone esle back in the day. Both looks sounded clean and interesting and definitely cool. So glad you dipped your toe in the water. :sunglasses:

@sclay Well that was a tasty couple of licks for sure. Who doesn’t like vanilla but there’s some classic chocolate sauce on tine added on the QT there my friend. FBL2 took me back to the 70s and tank tops, super sexy funk sir. :sunglasses:


A person once tried to teach me the intro to the Beatles “Octopus’s Garden”. Well, on the record George just blazes through it. Totally out of reach for this old guy. Anyway I learned the notes and play it at my speed :wink:


Well here it is, as encouraged by some prominent members of the community my contribution.

If I am honest I don’t think it is a lick really an instrumental or riff and is still WIP but getting there.

If you are wondering where it comes from, it is from Johnny Cash’s Tennessee Flat Top Box and is played between verses by Jim Soldi on the version I looked at rather than Luther Perkins. Lots of different version of song with capo on different frets and keys when performed by JC and also recorded by his daughter Rossanne Cash.



Ok in an effort to turn the tanker around before anymore pirates come out of the woodwork.

@barker7 @MAT1953

Thanks for having a go guys, enjoyed both of your contributions. Whether they are riff, licks is unimportant, fact is you had a go and both were pleasant to my ears. From and advice perspective Mitch, I would say nothing wrong with playing things slowly, its the best way to learn. Get the phrases under your fingers and then work on bring the pace up, The semi-solo I played before the solo demos, was about 75% of the target tempo and its the section before that which trips me up. Just keep working at it and you will get there. :+1: