The Captain's Commandments

The Captain has that effect on most of us :rofl:

Some of you made the fatal mistake of listening to the gourd rather than the guru :roll_eyes:

The first commandment is to listen to, not play for the birds!
Great tits indeed!

Play like youā€™re drowning!

@Helen0609 Ice Cream for Crow is a fab album and track :open_mouth:

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Well Nicole, you had better post an AVOYP of that event!


ā€¦ I hope you would be celebrating my heroic most likely fatal undertaking by supportive comments under the AVOYPā€¦ Ć  laā€¦ ā€œUnfortunately bit muffled sound but expressive changes in the strumming pattern that support the overall tense feeling of the songā€ :laughing:

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Birdwise definitely cuckooā€¦ :crazy_face:

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Heck, I will get you nominated for a Grammy! :star_struck: :star_struck:

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nothing meaningful can come from a guru with a name like thatā€¦ Nomen est omen :roll_eyes:ā€¦

Yes saw that ,but where is the fun there? (like I said, I donā€™t follow it very well, it must be something typical for the other side of the water :innocent:)

if it sings well I like to play in front (or back) of it :sunglasses:

Now i really should go :wavy_dash:

Last thing , I recognized the name but had completely forgotten who or what he was again :grimacing:

Nice guru :upside_down_face:ā€¦

Captain Beefheart was known as someone who treated his musicians dictatorially. The group consisted of a changing group of musicians, sometimes working under pseudonyms that Beefheart had devised for them. The only more or less constant figure is drummer John French, who contributed to the creation of Trout Mask Replica, later accompanied the period between '71 and '74 and was also part of the group during Doc at the Radar Station.French has written a lengthy autobiography in which the cult-like aspects of the Magic Band are described in detail. Ry Cooder, Doug Moon and Zoot Horn Rollo have also spoken out about the abuses in the Magic Band.

(wiki and some docu stuff)

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Donā€™t know if itā€™s just the awkward heat or what was I supposed to have read here? Iā€™m a little confused. :melting_face: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :woozy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


If you think thatā€™s bad then DONā€™T Google the National bird of Peruā€¦




Hi Brian. Youā€™ve finally done it, this thread has me totally defeated! I havenā€™t a clue whatā€™s going on. :thinking::woozy_face:


Well done Brian for resurrecting the ghost of the long lost Captain. A great post. Not really sure what happened after that, as I all I see is random chatter with zero relevance. Did I miss a meeting ?



Blockquote3. Practice in front of a bush

Will practicing in front of a cactus work? Maybe it depends on what music.

Use a bush for folk and cactus for punk rock. maybe find a nice large redwood and set up a large Orchestra. The mighty redwood are deserving of such large full sound.


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Weā€™re all just confusedā€¦


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Perhaps I do need to do some drugs after all.

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Canā€˜t get rid of the impression he started a field test, how much he can spread confusion all over the world within 24h :joy:. And the joker :bird: sits on a comfortable arm chair and dies of laughter :rofl:. And he made it even to NZā€¦. . Iā€˜m sure, as soon as we stop commenting, heā€˜ll come out of the dark and shed some light on us :man_mage:


Haha, not sure if youā€™re referring to me or Mr. Van Vliet, but I agree that this stuff leaves me scratching my head and wondering what it all meansā€¦
I bought Trout Mask Replica as a teenager (based on critical acclaim) and found it impossible to listen through. Like Zappa who he worked with, much of his work remains inaccessible to me, but some of it I love.
Iā€™m giving TMR another spin as I type this and it doesnā€™t seem quite as strange anymore :rofl:

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Actually, I was referring to you :joy:. When I read your initial post first, I didnā€˜t get the point or your intension. I then checked the time, too early for a drink too much, then temperatures on your wonderful isle. Comfortable 25 degrees, so it couldnā€˜t be the heat eitherā€¦
As you are known for thoughtful posts :partying_face:, my brain started to work and I came to the conclusion above.
(APART FROM ALMOST FALLING INTO A RABBIT HOLE, digged out by this whimsical Mr. Van Vliet and his misterious music.) On a positive side, I learned, that Iā€˜m simply to young to deal with such an enormous special stuff like Trout Mask Replica :joy:, on a serious side I realized, that obviously I missed a milestone of rock/experimental music history, given the fact that this album is considered as number 60 out of 500 on the Rolling Stoneā€™s list of the best albums of all time. I wonā€˜t go deeper into it, no fan of disharmonics or atonality.
But you still owe us the solution of yesterdayā€˜s post? What was your intesion??? :face_with_monocle:

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I second that. Your intention, Brian, @brianlarsen cannot have been to have us all play our best tunes while trying to escape death by drowning - or to have us all putting on massive amounts of weight by eating large amounts of bread since any kind of bushes remain unresponsive to our music? :worried:

For anyone who thinks it is necessary to be on topic in a post by Brian :upside_down_face:ā€¦ I certainly was on topic a kind of with the first post because I always listen and therefore also play in the garden for the birds (2 days before this I was and can still be heard on video)

No one ever has to do that until the end of timeā€¦unfortunately the mod Richard erased the evidence of the eternal get-out-of-jail-free ticket because there was too much chatter and there was also (not by Brian of course) nasty things were saidā€¦ but under this post ~~~~

it was clear talking that it is never and often even better not to stick to those rules in this kind of topic ,ā€¦

Ps: do you remember anything about that what you said there to me Brian ? :grin:

So back of topic ā€¦


We call it Rode Rotshaan ā€¦ nothing weirds there :sunglasses:



I agree, you were on topic addressing the birds :bird: And listening and or following the birds seems useful for music indeed. The video below might serve as a proof (song name translated to English = ā€œTit manā€ :bird:)


Itā€™s not supposed to make sense. Itā€™s Captain Beefheart.