Hallelujah, Written by Leonard Cohen, Performed by Bon Jovi-Live - Cover by LBro


This turned out to be more of a project than I thought it would be going in. Alas, it is done. This is a loose cover that was a make-it-your-own deal. I shortened it as it was over 6 mins long. I had a hard time finding a believable violin and am still not happy with it, but this is the best I could find. Bon Jovi’s live version had no drums or guitar that I could hear. I added both.

Mixing was aided by @DavidP and his excellent ears! If you want a mix challenge, stick -20dB earplugs in your ears. Turn up your stereo till you can’t stand it and then mix your song. Even with hearing aids (Bionic Ears), I found much of this very hard to pick out of the “soup”.

All video was shot on location, mainly on a goat farm in Maui, Hawaii. We had a good time there, sampled the ice cream and cheese that had zero goat type taste. You would never know those products came from the goats!

I hope you enjoy this and let me know how the ears like it! Some will ask what a goat video has to do with the lyrics of the song. Simple – I think the video is better than looking at a black screen. If you prefer the black screen, then by all means, close your eyes! :blush:

All the best to you and be well!
LBro and my goat pals…


That was amazing. Sounded great. Love the goats…:rofl::joy::rofl::water_buffalo:

Thanks LBro

‘excellent’ and ‘ears’ together in the same sentence related to me, is a stretch … perhaps ‘younger’ would be more accurate :rofl:.

Banter aside, a well produced cover that honours the song with your own spin inspired by Bon Jovi. Good job all over the farm.

Now those goats … naturally reminded me of the Stones album, which came after Exile and wasn’t up to its predecessors other than the song Angie. But I digress and should rather head off for ice cream or feta.

Hi LBro,
Great song,beautifully played/made and sung :sunglasses: :clap: :bouquet:, … enjoyed more than 5 minutes,with my eyes open :smiley:

Hi Ron,
Thanks for stopping by and the kind words! The goats are excited as they have always wanted to be movie stars!

Take good care!

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That was simply awesome! I closed my eyes and sung along with emotion…but then I re-listened watching because I didn’t want to miss the goats :face_with_hand_over_mouth::laughing: …so cute! Great production too!

Hi David,
Either way you cut it, your ears are in better shape than on this end. No big, but a big help in mixing was had when you “lent me your ear”… :slight_smile:

The farm and goats are doing back flips… did you catch that?

Feta, if memory serves, then it is the flavor implied by feta that gives goat products the goat taste. Our farmer studied hard and did a lot of experimenting to remove that taste from her products. I thought going in the ice cream and cheese would be awful and boy, was I wrong. It was good stuff!

All the best and thanks for the spin & comments!

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That was fantastic. :clap:t2: :clap:t2: And black screen vs goats no contest - gimme the goats every time :rofl: :joy:

That was absolutely beautiful LB! Really enjoyed that!

Hi Roger,
Wow - 5 minutes with the eyes open… Just think, I chopped over a minute off of Hallelujahs off too! Thanks for the nice review!

All the best and look out for hungry goats!

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Absolutely terrific LB. Super vocal, playing, production, the lot.
I really enjoyed your version of this classic song. Well done.
As for the goats……they say the chèvre develops flavour as it gets older. Say no more. :smiley:

Hi Silvia,
Glad this was an uplifting sing-along for you! I think our goat friends are pretty cool. Though the head butting and establishment of the pecking order might be better handled by voting! JK - LOL

I guess them goats have it all figured out anyway!

All the best to you!

Hi LBro that was really good, 4:23 gave me some serious Ozzy Dreamer vibe, really enjoyed the production! Especially loved the violin bit you found a good ones somewhere!

All the best to you and your goats, I find it hard to believe the typical goat cheese taste was missing though! :grinning:

Well done!! This is a great song and I love your production!

Hi Nancy,
Thanks for the spin! Yeah, the cute goats taking on the black screen is no contest. They win every time!

All the best to you!

Hey LB, that was superb, played and sung beautifully. Well produced. Bravo.

The Seattle Sound Machine does it again. Nicely put together Bro ! Sweet production, nicely balanced and well placed instruments. Thought the harmonised vocals worked really well.
I think I hear where you are coming from with the strings. Assuming its a VST plugin have a look a DSK Strings which is quite flexible and also freeware. All round great cover sir !

Another impressive production! Great one LBro

Very nice, great vocals and playing - much as expected really!
As an aside, I really like Goats cheese, it seems to be kinder on my stomach that cows milk cheese!

Great, just loved it!