Happy Birthday 🎊 -60-BRIAN-60- Komische Oper Berlin


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Well Brian big 60 means serious business! All the best to you, hope you had a fab day! As people are sharing videos I am going to share with you a more or less typical Polish happy bday song. I know you like a bit of a background on ethnic heritage of some songs/videos so here it is in my own words.

Basically in late 90s an earlier it was typical for families to gather round and celebrate kids birthdays around the table, and for parents and other adults it was a perfect opportunity to share a drink (or few) with closest ones. Typically in PL it used to be vodka, as you didnt need much to get into good spirits :slight_smile: :slight_smile: and it used to be a tradition. And usually the more vodka people drank, the more song sounded like on in the video and was sung more often :laughing:

As for the video - it comes from a very popular tv show that was basically a bit of a mockery from people who don’t have and don’t want to have a job, but love to drink and complain about everything. A sad image of people from lower levels of social hierarchy, but hey that’s life :smile:

Sto lat!

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It’s officially 12:00 AM UTC so my official happy birthday wishes to you Brian, and to you Gordon as well :partying_face: :birthday: :bouquet: :dizzy: :smiley:


70? Yes! Most definitely I feel a NGD is in order! Always worth it :smiley:

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Happy birthday @brianlarsen :birthday::birthday::guitar::notes:

And great job @roger_holland I love the friendship you two have :grinning:


Happy Birthday Gordon have a great weekend. :+1:

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What?! There’s a 60th… AND a 70th this weekend?! :astonished: :exploding_head:

PARTY!!! : :partying_face: :dancing_women: :tada: :piñata: :star2: :birthday: :clinking_glasses: :beers: :woozy_face: :sleeping: :rofl:

Congratulations @brianlarsen and @sairfingers!! I hope you’re both having a fabulous time with friends and family and the new guitar/pedal/amp/[insert random guitar accessory] is incoming as we speak! :guitar: :smiley: :+1:

Big hugs to you both!! :hugs: :hugs: :wink: :rofl:

Cheers! :beers:
(ps love your work @roger_holland !! :sunglasses:)


Happy birthday to both @brianlarsen and @sairfingers!

I think you’ll both be celebrating in different ways, at least Brian will have some kind of music nobody’s heard before and Gordon will have the best classics playing :rofl:


Happy birthday Gordon :birthday: :tada: :birthday:

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Happy birthday @brianlarsen


Happy birthday @sairfingers


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Happy birthday Brian @brianlarsen and Gordon @sairfingers!

All the best to both of you! May you always be healthy and happy!


Happy Birthday Brian @brianlarsen
Happy Birthday Gordon @sairfingers

Wishing you health, (wealth) new guitar and happiness!

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@brianlarsen @sairfingers Happy birthdays to you Brian, and Gordon :slightly_smiling_face: It’s only noticeable when you see it written down on something though. 60. 70. See, noticeable! hope you both had / are having great days :slightly_smiling_face:

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:birthday: :wine_glass: :champagne:

Many Happy Returns



Hi Brian @brianlarsen , Happy Birthday! I wish you all the very best for the future, have a great day with family and friends :partying_face: :champagne: :birthday: :tropical_drink:. Thanks for all your great posts and productions that keep us entertained, laughing and sometimes touched :sunflower:!

@sairfingers Happy Birthday, Gordon! Have a great day too! The numbers may change, but it doesn’t hurt as long as your mind stays young :blush: and I’m sure, it will!

@roger_holland :100: for your post, that’s what friends are for! And what did I hear? Rogier singing? :astonished: I think I never heard you singing before :thinking:! You should do that more often! Greetings! :hibiscus:


Ooooohh!!! I missed youre B-day song there Rogier!! :see_no_evil:
Awsome!! I knew you had it in you!! :raised_hands:t2:

And Happy B-day @brianlarsen for the 10th time or so! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Happy birthday to both of you @brianlarsen and @sairfingers! I hope you guys had wonderful celebrations with lots of good music!

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Where are you Luka, the OMs kicked off man !“!!”!

Managed to join via phone in the end! Great show!

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I’m a bit late, but hopefully not too late, to the party :fearful::smiley:.
@brianlarsen and @sairfingers, after wishing my mother a Happy Birthday today, I’ve now the pleasure, to say it to you as well: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :partying_face::champagne::bouquet:!!! And all the best to you, young boys :innocent:.

@roger_holland What a wonderful thread you’ve started :hugs:.