Hello all!

Hi all,

I’m Gari and it’s awesome to be a part of this amazing community. A bit of a backstory with regard to learning the guitar. I tried to do it about 10 years ago, but I never really fully committed to diving in with it due to other things in my life that were stopping me from doing so.

Fast forward 10 years and here we are. I’m fully dedicated to learning now and have recently gone out and bought everything I need to start learning (guitar - a left handed Tele, amp etc).

I’ve always had this fascination about learning an instrument and the guitar is the one that I’ve always wanted to learn due to my love of rock music.

This is going to be a ride, but a well worth it one!




Always nice to see people coming in, especially is they help up the lefty numbers :wink:



And yeah, we’re a rare breed but the numbers are going up more and more it seems! :+1:

Hey Gari, great to meet you. I tried once about 10 years before I came back. The 2nd time I stuck at it, I was clearer on my goals and it really worked. Being able to just grab a guitar and crank out a tune at will is a wonderful experience, such a great reward for the effort you have to put in.

Try to make your playing a daily habit, even if it’s only 10 minutes a day, you’ll still progress. Look forward to hearing more from you.


Hi Gari and welcome! :wave: Good on you for getting back into it! All the best with your journey, you’ll have lots of fun I’m sure! :guitar: :sunglasses:

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Thank you for the warm welcome guys! I appreciate it!

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Hello Gari & Welcome!
It’s a very good idea to have a guitar on a stand so it’s easy to pick up and play when you only have a few minutes. I like to play while my coffee is brewing in the morning!!!
Good luck with your musical journey!!!


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Don’t worry, I made sure I bought a stand for easy access to the guitar when needed. I like your idea of grabbing and practising whenever you get the chance!

Thanks for the welcome.


Hi Gari,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Hi Gary, welcome, have lots of fun with your journey. Good decision to restart again and it’s maybe best place here to do so :slightly_smiling_face:!


Sounds like a familiar story Gari, welcome to the forum.

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Thank you all for the warm welcome!

Hi Gari
Nice to meet you. Welcome :slight_smile:
So great that you’ve started guitar again :smiley: Enjoy the ride :sunflower:


Welcome aboard, Gari!

Glad you give guitar another try and joined us. You’re in very good company here. :smiley:

Wish you loads of fun on your guitar journey.

Cheers - Lisa

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Hello Gari :smiley:

A very warm welcome to the forum.
Great that you’ve picked up your guitar again and have found JustinGuitar and this very kind and helpful community.
You’ve come to the perfect place here.

Parts of your backstory sound familiar to me. I’ve started again in summer 2023 after a very long break - and it is still loads of fun.

Enjoy your new gear and have lots of fun and success on your musical journey :guitar: :musical_note:

Cheers from Germany
Gunhild :lady_beetle:


Hi Gari ,

Welcome to the community wishing you success with your journey :slight_smile:
Enjoy the ride.

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Welcome to the forum Gari

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Enjoy your stay! May your guitar journey commence!

Rock on

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Welcome Gari!!
May the rock gods be with you :grin:


Welcome Gari, from one lefty to another. Hope you can interpret right hand chord boxes better than me!!! Good luck with your journey.

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