Hello, Bob from Southern California

I’m a classic rock fan who grew up on 60’s and 70’s music. I took several acoustic lessons when I was a kid and five years of electric guitar lessons about 10 years ago. I became passionate about bass guitar a couple of years ago, did some online lessons, and have learned a lot on my own practicing numerous songs with bass tabs on YouTube.

I retired last year and devote a fair amount of most days to all things music. The core is JustinGuitar. I wanted to get a solid foundation and correct bad habits, so I began with Grade 1. I’m close to completing Grade 3. I purchased Justin’s Theory course which has helped fill in some of the knowledge gaps.

I look forward to meeting other members of the community!


Welcome to the forum Bob. Feel free to ask any questions or anytime you need help with lesson.
There are loads of helpful people here on the forum

Hey Bob, welcome to the community. I had the pleasure of living in Southern California in the late 70s and have many happy memories of my time there. Look forward to hearing more from you,

Hello Bob & welcome!!!
This is a pretty friendly place!!! Have fun on your musical journey!!!


Welcome to the community, Bob! :slight_smile:

Sounds like a solid foundation to build your skills on. :smiley: Have loads of fun on the journey!

Cheers - Lisa

Hi Bob - glad you made it to the introductory area! :slight_smile: I would like to (officially) say welcome.

Hello Bob and welcome to the community.

Welcome aboard! Another So Cal playa here.

Hi Bob,
Nice to meet you.
Good luck with your learning journey.
Best wishes

HI Bob, classic rock fan here, too. I spent 14ish years in southern Cal. The Southbay area. Live in northern Michigan now. This is a great Community; you’ve come to the right place! :smiley:

Hi Bob,
Welcome and I wish you a long time playing and fun :sunglasses:

Hello Bob, welcome to the community :hugs:!

Hi Richard,

Thank you very much. All thanks to your help and persistence! I just posted my learning log (Bobbaroo’s Learning Log). Here’s the link:


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Hi Stitch,

Thank you for welcoming me to the forum and for your offer to ask questions or request help with a lesson.

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


Hi Tony,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. Where did you live in Southern California? I’ve been in Orange County since 1986. Where are you located now?

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


Hi Tod,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. Much appreciated!

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


Hi Lisa,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. Much appreciated!

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


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Hi Rob,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. Much appreciated!

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


Hi Clint,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. Much appreciated!

I’ve been in Orange County since 1986 and never heard of Lake Balboa before. It looks like you’re between Reseda and Van Nuys.

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


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Hi Alan,

Thank you for welcoming me to the community. Much appreciated!

I posted my first Learning Log this morning. Here’s the link if you would like to take a look:


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