Hello From A New Member!

Hey guys and gals!

I just wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I’m Tony from GA. and will be 55 yrs. of age on the 22nd of this month. I got an acoustic guitar one Christmas waaaay back when I was just a young kid. I loved it but honestly I didn’t know what I was doing and learning resources were limited back then so I never accomplished much with it.

Fast forward to the present. I never lost my desire to learn the guitar and after many decades I our took the plunge and bought ab electric guitar, a Strat-A-Like if you will. After bouncing around from various videos and books I finally discovered what I’ve been searching for in Justin and his awesome lessons! I’ve made my way through Module 0 and have just started to learn the D chord in the 1st lesson in Module I. I really like Justin’s teaching methods and that it is structured and something important to me, the continuity in that he’s the instructor vs.bouncing around from different people.

I’m excited about my journey to learn the guitar. I’m a disabled widower who lost my wife 5 years ago suddenly and unexpectedly at the young age of 40. Now I have something positive to look forward to each day that I truly enjoy!

Thanks Justin and thanks to all!



welcome :slight_smile:


Where is GA? Gabon?



Thanks Keith!

My bad…I forgot we’re international here! :blush: I’m in the US, the state of Georgia.

Best Wishes,




Hi Tony … Welcome to the community. I’ve just rejoined after a long absence and the welcomes here are absolutely top class … and judging by the old faces I’ve seen so far from back in the days of the old forum, along with the warm and friendly enthusiasm of the new faces who have said hello so far, not only will you learn … but you’re going to love it, too.

Enjoy :smiley:

Thanks for the welcome! Definitely have found my place and feels great to be here!

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Great to meet you, the world needs more Tonys!!!

I look forward to my guitar playing every day, it’s such a great reward for the effort

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Good to meet you!

And yeah, I agree. You can never have too many Tony’s! :smile: I’m really enjoying learning this time around and it definitely makes a difference!



Here we go again… :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Welcome Tony,
you’ve landed in the right place to restart your guitar journey👍

Welcome, Tony. It’s good to hear you’re finding such meaning from learning music, I feel very similar. This is a great place to be to foster your enthusiasm and development, Justin has an incredibly impressive and comprehensive setup. Enjoy!

Ha Brian, let me add to that, the world needs more Tony songs!!!

Welcome Tony. Sorry for your loss, glad you found us and the desire to learn guitar. It’s a cool thing. I know I am enjoying it.

Welcome to the forum Tony. @TuesdaysGone I quessing from your username you’re a Skynyrd fan. You’re in good company here.

Exactly my thoughts @stitch hopefully you’ll stick around Tony and won’t be gone with the wind.

Welcome to the Community.


Hi Tony
Welcome to the community :smiling_face:
sorry for your loss :sunflower:
Very glad you’ve found guitar again, and Justin’s lessons! You’re in the right place
This community is a great place too :smiley:

Hi Tony, nice to have you here. Sorry for your loss, must have been hard times to go through. Maybe playing guitar and joining the community will give you some positive aspects. Learning the guitar is such a rewarding (sometimes also frustrating :joy:) process and gives a lot of positivity.
Have a nice journey and lots of fun!

Hi Tony ,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun here :sunglasses:
Good that you start playing again … a widower at such a young age ai that stings my stomach,

Here, that has advantages here and by showing this card :wheelchair: to Toby you can sit at the front of the open mic that is held once every 6 weeks here :sunglasses:
Greetings ,Rogier

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Hi Tony, welcome to the community forum. You have definitely found the right place. Sorry for your loss. Music has the power to heal hearts and provide joy each day. Have fun as you advance through the modules and learn to play songs.