Hello from Duncan in kent, England

Hi all, i have just signed up with Justin. I spent years and pounds on lessons with wanna be rock gods and ended up putting it on the back burner until about five years ago when i found a brilliant teacher who actually liked and taught what i grew up with. He’s since moved on but left me with enough learned to carry on but i felt i still needed structured sessions and the need to step up and play in a group of people at some point. Duncan, Kent UK.


Hi Duncan and welcome to the forum. hopefully Justin’s lessons provide the structure you’re looking for and there is a wealth of experience and advice to take advantage of within the Community. Good luck on your journey.

Hi Duncan,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:

Welcome to the forum Duncan

Welcome aboard, Duncan! :slight_smile:

Sounds like you have some solid foundations to build on. Too bad, you’re teached moved on, but otherwise now we have you here. :wink:

Wish you loads of fun on your continuing guitar journey!

Cheers - Lisa

Hello Duncan and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

What a shame your teacher had to move on but I’m sure you will be more than happy with Justin’s teachings.

Hello Duncan

A very warm welcome to the community hub.



Welcome Duncan, you will find a lovely, well structured training here with a great group of people in this community.

Hi Duncan, nice to meet you. Good luck with your continuing guitar journey. Best wishes Alan, also located Kent UK.

Welcome to the Community Duncan :wave:

Hey Duncan, welcome to the community. Look forward to hearing more from you

Hi Duncan, welcome to the community forum. The structured lessons and a path from beginner to advanced intermediate guitar skills and songs is what attracted me to Justin Guitar. Also, I like that Justin has taught me how to practice and teach myself. You can take what you have already learned and find a path to continue on your guitar journey.

Hi Duncan, welcome. Good you found Justin Guitar to continue your guitar learning. A quick review of the lessons from the Module 0 and up can help you find what level are you at and get all the information that Justin provides in every lessons well beyond what you could expect from the main subject of the lesson, Have fun.