Hello from Erin in Nova Scotia, Canada

Hi everyone,

I am 41 and started playing guitar when I was 10. I started writing songs when I was 12. I always wanted to be someone who could play some tunes at a campfire and for awhile in my 20s I considered becoming a professional singer-songwriter. My other career as a librarian soon took over and my progress in both guitar and songwriting dwindled.
Now that my kids are a little older and I’m starting to have some time for myself I am pushing myself to go beyond the basics.
I consider myself an intermediate player in terms of acoustic rhythm guitar but keeping a steady rhythm is sometimes a challenge for me and I rarely stray beyond basic open chords.

In the past few months I have signed up for other online guitar lessons and pulled out my husband’s never touched electric guitar. The combination of having an electric guitar with a digital effects pedal to produce exciting new tones and the wealth of guitar resources online have really inspired me. When I was learning guitar in the mid-1990s I thought it was cool to have a tab sites to download and print off songs from. There is so much more now!

I’m looking to build up my repertoire with polished and interesting arrangements so I have some songs to perform. I’m also working on lead guitar techniques.

I’ve always been an acoustic folky, but I also love old rock and roll, rockabilly, blues and old country.

I’m excited to be part of the JustinGuitar community because everyone is so helpful and encouraging here :slight_smile:


Great to have you here Erin. Sounds like there are some exciting guitar adventures coming your way. I’d love to write, but my attempts never seems to work out!

Welcome to the forum Erin

Hello Erin, so nice to have you in board :hugs:!
Having a bit older kids definitely helps, getting more freetime for hobbies :slightly_smiling_face:.
I wish you lots of fun along your guitar journey and hope to hear more from you :smiley:.

Welcome to the community, Erin! :smiley:

Glad to have you here. Sounds you have a very solid foundation to build on. :slight_smile: Funnily enough, I see some parallels in our backstories. It’s great you picked up the guitar again after some time! :slight_smile:

Wish you loads of fun on the journey, enjoy the ride! :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa

Welcome,Erin. I love playing rock n roll blues. I was a returning player(all those bad habits). I found that the songs app was really useful to brush up my rhythm -plenty of early rock n roll. I have a decent repertoire of Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry -mainly due to that.

Welcome to the Community, Erin. Sounds like you have a good plan! Enjoy your journey.

Welcome to the community Erin. In my youth I was only rock and roll, now I’m a lot more folksy. Look forward to hearing more from you.

If keeping a steady rhythm is a challenge, embrace the metronome app. It took me a few tries before I could get the hang of it, but now it works well when I need it.

Hello Erin & welcome!!!
Your story was an interesting read! Sounds like you have a great foundation to build on & being only 41… you could really be an inspiration to others in this Community as you progress along your musical journey!!!
Good luck with your guitars!!!

New Mexico, USA

Well Hello Erin, fellow Nova Scotianer!!! I too live in the lovely lil province!!! Nice too see another Nova Scotianer here!! There are a few of us here in the community, but we are spread across the province!!! I am in the Sheet Harbour area. Welcome!! If ya need another guitar mate. Let me know, always looking for others to play with!

Rock on! :love_you_gesture::sunglasses::+1:

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Hi Erin
Welcome to the community :hugs:
Looking forward to hearing more from you :slight_smile: :sunflower:

Hi Erin,

The challenge to get beyond acoustic rhythm guitar on open chords sounds very familiar. I hope you have a good time exploring the resources to move your playing the way you want it to go. :smiley:

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:wave: Welcome Erin.


Hi Erin,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
I look forward to a video from you sometime :smiley: :sunglasses:

Greetings from Halifax, Erin. As Darren says above, there are a few of us here in NS…spread across the province.

That’s great! I will definitely be looking for those early rock tunes lessons!

Awesome! It is great to see other Nova Scotians! I am in Cape Breton so we definitely are spread out!

There was someone posting from Cheticamp for a while…not sure if they are still active.

Welcome to the community Erin. Thank you for sharing your story with us all.

Welcome Erin.