Hello, from Joe, I'm British, living In Barcelona, Spain

yep, kinda does feel like that sometimes but that’s the way to do it! slow and steady… :smiley:

Hi Joe, welcome to the community. Nice looking guitar. An electric guitar will let you play longer without sore fingertips compared to an acoustic guitar with heavier steel strings.

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Appreciate your welcome, Steve. I’ve been away on a week’s holiday in rural Catalonia where the internet is a rare thing, so I’ve incommunicado for a few days. Sorry for my tardy reply. This also interrupted my practice. But taking a break from destroying the D and A cords and the contortions of finger anchoring between them to answer you… Thanks for giving me (and my lame fingers) an excuse!

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Hi Joe, welcome. Good you started with the guitar. Hopefully you can find a way to help your daughter to stay motivated with it. Depending of the personality and age, the discipline to keep practicing may not be there, and without a early successes to show her peers, other competing interests may win over the guitar. Even if you’re on your own have fun learning and playing the guitar.

Thank you, Andrés, for your welcome and piece of advice. My daughter’s interest seems to be on the wane at the moment. She recently bought a record player and is devoting most of her time listening to records; it’s still music I suppose. As for me, I’ve just had a manic busy 2 weeks (back to teaching), so the guitar has been a bit neglected. But now things I calmer, I’m back at it and thinking about pulling the trigger on Justin’s Song app to help. Based on all the free lessons I’ve done so far, I think he deserves some of my money.

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