Hello from Mark in very wet East Devon, England

Hi there,
just by way of introduction I’m Mark & I live in East Devon, not that far from Lyme Regis. Ive been following Justin & Co for a couple of years, I actially have regular face to face lessons from a guy near where I live - the lessons on this site are a really great way of supplementing & reinforcing that knowledge. In terms of ability im either a top beginner or a weak intermediate, Im concentrating now on tryinig to play songs the whole way through so as to build strength & coordination. I have a “few” guitars and my latest thing is using cubase as a way to record & then play back my practice attempts - some times its good others a bit brutal, but it definitely helps,
Anyway chat soon


Welcome to the community, Mark, from an also-wet Oregon, USA! Hope to see you around.

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Welcome Mark, plenty happening in here. There are a few “idiot’s guides” in most of the sections so mine away !
One of the Mods has a mantra “Learn songs, learn songs, learn songs”. I find having two or three in development keeps the interest and avoids frustration when one comes to the inventible sticky sections of a song.
If you are proficient with a DAW, then great. I am not so I use Zoom to record myself (video and audio) … It’s free and relatively easy to use, and if you are looking to post up in a Learning Log then it is ideal for this too.
Hope to see you at JGC Open Mic sometime. Watch for a post coming soon to watch one this Sat 9th
Cheers, Colin

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Hi Mark - welcome to the group! Recording yourself is a great (and as you say brutal!) tool.

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Welcome to the forum Mark

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Hi Mark and welcome to the community,
You’ve landed in the right place to get along on your guitar journey.
Hope to see you taking part on an Open mic or video before too long

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Welcome Mark,
I wish you a lot of fun here :sunglasses:

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Welcome Mark from soggy Normandy. :wave:

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Hi Mark,
Welcome to the community enjoy.

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Hi Mark
Nice to meet you :smiley:
welcome :sunflower:

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Hey Mark,

Welcome aboard!!

Learning entire songs was a game changer for me. . .loads of lessons around here for you to enjoy!!

Have fun and keep strummin!!


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Welcome Mark, wet sums up the UK weather :unamused:

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Welcome Mark. As a Premier League fan, I always wonder if it rains every single Saturday and Sunday throughout England as I almost never see a game played in the sun. I guess that gives you plenty of time trapped indoors to practice guitar!

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Hi Mark - welcome.
+1 on the recording - it can be eye opening.
I’ve not experimented properly with using DAWs yet - what attracted you to Cubase? I’ve heard of it more from the production of electronic music - have you come from that background?

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Thanks for the welcome.
My (other) guitar teacher put me on to Cubase, it’s probably way over what I really need in terms of functionality but it’s fairly easy to create a drum track and a keyboard track using chord progressions in whichever key you want to play. The metronome & count in functions I also find a lot easier to use than a looper pedal. If you want to find out more theres some guys called “Born to Produce” who have some short tutorials on You Tube.

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Hi Mark, welcome to the community forum.

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Welcome. Send some of that rain my way. We’ve been in drought conditions for months.

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Thanks mate, next load of rain is yours.

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I appreciate it, however, since this is Minnesota, any precipitation for the next several months will be snow. :snowflake:

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Welcome from rainy Stirling. Enjoy your journey, loads of help and advice on here :+1:

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