Hello from Vancouver Canada

Hi All. Originally form Brooklyn, NY recent transplant to the PNW. Got here through my brother who is an awesome guitar player in the Big Apple and recommended Justin’s courses to me. I used to play a lot back in high school, college etc… Started at Lesson 1 so I can learn some new tricks. Working my way forward and having a blast. Looking forward to seeing if the mobile and web app will ever synch up. Both are great.


PS: I’m playing my old Ovation Celebrity I picked up at Sam Ash near Union Square in NY back in 1979. Still holds a tune :smiley:


Welcome to the community More!! :smiley:

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Hello More and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

I hope you have fun.

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Hi More,
Welcome and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:
I hope to hear more of you ,and when you near a stage you in no time always can climb on it when the cowd shout …WE WANT MO… (I`m so sorry :smile: :wink:)

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Hello More, welcome to the community, have a lot of fun!

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Hey More, Welcome. Cool you are already having a blast :sunglasses: :partying_face: Wish you a most wonderful and enjoyable guitar journey :cowboy_hat_face:

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More- welcome to the community. I am jealous, been looking at property in the Vancouver area for some time. Would move there in a heartbeat if I could swing it.

Now that your in Canada eah, I watched a great documetary on Gordon Lightfoot last week. It was beatiful, made me proud of my Canadian roots. Highly recomend this to anyone. It was on Amazon Prime.

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Hi Welcome, enjoy.

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Welcome, @morem61 !!!

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Welcome to the community, great to hear from you. Someone else mentioned Gordon Lightfoot, I always enjoy playing if you could read my mind. Makes me proud to have Canadian friends.

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Welcome to the community More.

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Hi More, welcome. Good you started from Grade 1 up so you do not miss anything Justin Guitar have for helping you to be a better guitarist.

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More, welcome to the community forum. Have fun and enjoy the journey.

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Hello, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.

Your brother has recommended a wonderful learning website to you. JG is great :star_struck:. And this forum is not just an extraordinary friendly, but also a helpful place. I’m quite sure, you’ll love it, too :smiley:.

Enjoy your guitar journey :grinning::guitar:.

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Hello More.
A very warm welcome to JustinGuitar and the community.
You have fou d a wonderful place for guitar learning and guitar chat.
Ask if you need help of any kind.