Hello, I'm Remco from Holland

Hello all,
I’m Remco from Holland. I always wanted to learn guitar and I enjoy the journey. After searching youtube for a couple of months and trying unrelated bits and pieces I was searching for structure and then I found some video’s from Justin and started to work on the grades. Really nice to do.
I’m hoping for more content related to loopers and practicing over your own loops, as I guess it must be a great way to learn, just unpacked my own looper now and looking forward to learn and practice with it.



Hi Remco,
Welkom hier and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses: .
and there is a lesson on loops (maybe 2) but you will have figured that out already I think.follow the lessons step by step and build a solid foundation… and look further through the course for specific skills and styles if you are will get bored, I myself have had a song from the beginning that is too difficult for my level, and it feels great when you haven’t tried that song for a while and suddenly it almost works right away because you have learned something else…and then find another difficult one, although it is not that difficult :sweat_smile:
Happy looper Day :partying_face:



Welcome to the forum Remco


Welcome to the forum Remco,

It is a good place to be!
And you’ll have tons of material, and hundreds of fellow travelers who are happy to pitch in and help you in your Guitar Journey, not to mention the official JG teachers.


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Welcome Remco, nice to have you here :hugs:.
With Justin you’ve found a fantastic teacher, and this community is the perfect place if you have a paricular question, seek for some feedback or motivating words :smiley:.
Have fun :grinning::guitar:!


Hi Remco, good to meet you and welcome! You’ll have a fantastic experience learning with Justin, stick with his guidance and you’ll be amazed how quickly you’re playing songs and moving forward.

Have a whole lot of fun!

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Welkom hier.

I just started with playing the guitar and think this is an excellent place to be. Bought an electric couple of days ago and trying to stay away from the pedals first haha.


Remco, welcome to the community. Have fun learning songs. As you progress, you will learn different ways to play the same song. Then you can use the looper to record a song, so you can play a duet. Later, you may want to learn blues and use your looper to record a rhythm track to play along with.


Hey, Remco welcome!

Looking forward to your looping escapades someday! As soon you start practicing improvisation with some scales over your own chord progression you’ll already have a foundation to start to write your own first little songs, if you like :wink:

But for starters, I wish you a lot of fun with the course and your guitar journey.
I think following it with patience and joy helped me get into the fun and steady practice mindset and really fall in love with the guitar.




Welcome Remco. I can’t help you with loopers but there are a few people around who can probably help. Check out the gear section if you haven’t already.


Hi Marcel,
Thanks. I’m working on grade 3 now. Some of the earlier lessons were really inspiring me to get a looper, so I finally got one. Creating my own backing tracks to practice scales seems fun and got my first loops, in time even, but still really simple.


Hi LunaRocket,
Thanks! No, I haven’t found the gear section yet. I was working on the lessons for a while and now found this community.
Got my first really simple loops. Justin was talking about jamming in one of the lessons at the end of grade 2 and beginning grade 3 and spoke about finding arrangements you can play with 2 guitars (or a looper for that matter I guess?) I haven’t found any yet. I have seen how you can simulate percussion, but not how you can find for example a bass rithm, which can even be really good with an octaver I have seen, but a looper pedal for now is more than enough, I guess without octaver you can also create a bass line, right? So, I’m interested to find simple example loops that I can try myself.


Hello Remco and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:


Hi Remco,

There is a little pedal that you might like, there are quite a few fans of it here, and it is regularly used also in the community jam’s. Its called TRIO +, and it is a looper, drums and bass generator. So you get your rhythm section for your specific song. I am sure that there are some posts here devoted to it. @brianlarsen used it in the Open Mic 17, the opening number. Worth to have a listen!

And I don’t want to push you to getting new gear :wink: you don’t want.

Have a nice guitar day!


Thank you very much for this useful information. New gear is always nice, right? :slight_smile: Seriously, I can always have a look at what my looper is capable of. It’s about how to create the loops and fun to try multi layers, when I’m ready. It’s nice when I can find others having the same interests struggles and hopefully some people having a bit experience, so they share it :slight_smile:

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Hi Remco, welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

Wish you loads of fun playing around with your guitar and the new looper. I bet it will be an enjoyable thing to do and time will just fly! All the best for your guitar journey. :smiley:

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Hi Remco, welcome. Good you’re finding new ways to enhance your guitar playing. After 4 years of owning a multi-effects pedal I’ve used quite a bit the drum machine part of it, that is all presets, but just now I’ve started trying to use the looper function to accompany some short melodies. Nothing fancy, it’s more for the exercise of using it than anything else.


Hi Remco. I’ve been playing with loopers also - good fun. Have also used “Loopy HD” on my IPad which makes it possible to create loops with an acoustic guitar. You can save loops, create overlays, set the number of bars & time, etc. No foot button, but it’s pretty easy to set up. Cheers Paul


Hello Remco.
Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. I’m arriving late to the hello and welcome party. You’re now several weeks further along and I hope you are making great progress. Justin’s courses are the go-to place for structured content and great learning.
There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything else.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

Hello Remco

I also live in Holland, in Eindhoven to be precise.
Let me know if you’re looking for a jam buddy, I’d love to meet up and play some songs together