Hello, my name is Mike and I am from Czech Republic

Hello Mike. Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. I’m arriving late to the hello and welcome party. By now you have been playing for a few weeks longer on your new guitar - I hope you’ve made progress and are bonding with it and the chords and chord changes are going well.
The Community is large, as is the website. If you need any help with a lesson specific question or with any general guitar learning question then do not hesitate to ask. There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.

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Hello and thanks for nice words. :slight_smile:
I am already able to play A, E, D, Am, Em, Dm, C and G. There are some changes that arent that good, but I can play chord without looking on hand and when I play it just by thumb it sounds really nice to me. I had here some bad experience with new bought guitar, but I made it somehow… if I should be honest I did not finish my grade 1 and jumped straight to the fingerstyle, because thats place I would like to head to. Right now I am practicing Open D by Paul Davids. Also used some starting lessons from Justin… I think Folky Fingerstyle? So I know as much as I need. Right now I think that picking fingerstyle this early is maybe bigger “bite” than I should take, but when I hit string correctly and it makes nice sound in open D I am like in heaven. :slight_smile: I am actively using this community and trying to support anyone who needs it. I really like this community and I have good feeling that I am part of it. (holding tear in eye)
Enjoy nice day. :slight_smile:


Michal, can I urge you, please, with all postive encouragement and concern and care … do not skip the beginner stages because you have a dream and a passion for music and genres that seem to be of a different type.

If you skip the fundamentals, the essentials, the foundation learning steps, you will be building a very unsteady skill set with no firm base and huge holes in your techniques.

Please, go back and follow the course structure.
Fingerstyle needs, chords, chord changes, rhythm, finger control and independence and all the basics upon which you build.

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Well… thanks for this information. I think that some parts of it I am right now missing… how many grades do you think is “ready to go fingerstyle open D by Paul Davids”?

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Justin introduces fingerstyle in Grade 2 Module 11.
Work up to there.
Once you have some fingerstyle exercises and techniques in your practice routine, extend it further at the end of your core / essential practice session with some ‘open D fun time’ at the end.

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Thanks for your help and showing me the way. I guess you saved me few months. :slight_smile:


Hello everyone, quick update from me…
I went through break up, so I did not give much time to guitar few weeks, but I am in few days again and even when I did not practice that much I can see really good progress. I love playing DDUUD and changing G, Em, Amin and C. Its sounds really good to me… I got almost zero gap between changes and it makes me really happy. I can play this session 30 minutes and dont get bored of it. :smiley: Also I welcomed new family members… Boss Katana MK2 50 and FENDER SQUIER Sonic Stratocaster HSS MN BPG BLK. Also got new electroacoustics Fender CD-60SCE Dreadnought. My family is getting bigger and I really enjoy playing them all… I like that I can pick my electric guitar at midnight and play it unplugged so I dont make noise in my home and I can practice any time I want. I am pretty sure I am getting closer to finish Grade 1 of my journey, but I still dont practice with metronome. :smiley: