Hey There! My Name Is Christian

Hi everyone! my name is Christian and I’m from Yorktown, Virginia. I have been a casual learner for a few years, practicing on and off whenever I can put aside the time.

I’m not entirely sure where I am exactly in my skill level, but going off of Justin’s courses I would assume advanced beginner to possibly beginner intermediate?

I’m working on barre chords (grip and sliding them), finger dexterity with scales, and soloing

Currently my favorite genres are Pop Punk, Irish/Scottish Folk, most things Finger-style, Bluegrass, and Classic Rock. Those are also the styles I hope to be proficient in. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the firum Christian. If you are unsure where your at start at the beginning of the beginner course. You should breeze right though it and pick up things you may have missed and fix bad habits you’ve picked up along the way.


Welcome to the Justin Guitar Community :guitar::guitar::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::boom::boom::ok_hand::ok_hand::studio_microphone::notes:


Hello Christian, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.
I wish you lots of fun with your restart. I hope, you’ll stick with it this time :smiley:.
JG is a great place to learn to play the guitar, and if you need any additional support, this community is the perfect place to ask for help :hugs:.

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Welcome Christian, lovely to meet you!
As others have said above, it’d be worth going through the modules just in case there’s some golden nuggets you may not have seen before.

I think your assessment is about right, probably somewhere in grade 3, but have a scout around.

Look forward to hearing more from you! :guitar:


Welcome to the community, Christian! Glad you found it. :smiley:

Lot of good advice alreadx given, but I want to hum in on just re-visiting even beginner material. Started 20 years back with playing, had a good 10 years break and came back to guitar regular playing 1 year ago and started right from the beginning. For those things I already could do, I just moved on after short re-assessment. So within around 8-9 months or so, I finished last module of Grade 3 then and now consolidate before moving on to Grade 4. :slight_smile:

Good luck and lots of fun on your journey! :smiley:

Cheers - Lisa


Hey Christian, welcome to the community. Fingerstyle is my fav. Look forward to hearing more from you


Welcome Christian, listen to @stitch, he knows what he’s talking about. :smiley:


Hey Christian
Welcome, very nice to meet you :slight_smile:
You have a great taste in music.
I think fingerstyle would be my fav too


Welcome Christian, enjoy the journey, another finger style fan here. :smiley:


Hi Christian,

Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the journey, and lots of fingerpicking to go around here. @Lisa_S has a point about working through the beginner material, if only to weed out bad habits accumulated over the years that get in the way of making progress. If only I had the patience to do that myself…

I like your chosen styles, and you are bound to retune your guitar for DADGAD if you continue that path… Looking forward to your contributions, when you feel ready to record and post under AVOYP.

Myself I am more of a Blues person, so I would also direct you to Doc Watson :wink: which would bring you half way there.


Hi Christian, welcome to the community. I wanted to add my encouragement to go back to the beginning of Justin’s lesson (including Module 0 on the website). I played beginner guitar for over 20 years, but still learned some useful things in the fundamental lessons of Grade 1 ( I did already know the open chords).

You will benefit a lot from the Grade 2 lessons, with a beginning barre chord lesson in the F chord and Em and C major scales. The power chord lessons in Grade 2 were important to me for learning the notes on the 6th and 5th strings and changing fret and string positions, which is really useful for barre chords.

Of course, you can continue to learn skills and songs at multiple grade levels at the same time and Justin encourages that for songs. The website song lessons all have both early beginner and advanced beginner to beginner intermediate skills taught for the songs, so they are great supplemental lessons to the lessons in the module. You can filter the songs by grade level, so there are many songs from different musical types and both acoustic and electric. Have fun learning.


Hello Christian and welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

I hope you’re enjoying your guitar adventure.


Hi Christian , Welcome sure your breeze through the stuff give it a look and see if anything helps and that way you will find your natural level.
Enjoy :slight_smile:


:wave: Hi and Welcome



Hi Christian,
Welcome here and I wish you a lot of fun :sunglasses:


Hello Christian and welcome among us! :blush: As others have already mentioned, I would start right from the beginning, just to check your fundamentals are solid and you can move on confidently…if you find out some bad habits try to work and fix them…easier said than done, but necessary…hopefully you won’t have many to fix! :blush: Just ask if you need anything, this is a very supportive place to be and learn!


Hi Christian, welcome. Justin on his lessons and Steve Vai in a crash course on Guitar World invite to listen what you are playing. At the beginning the advice may sound superfluous but at the end is not. Tangled with the mechanics of producing the sound, getting a good sound may look out of reach. Justin lessons work both on the mechanics of producing the sound and the quality of it. For me was one day asking myself why my A chord doesn’t sound as nice as my G one and answering myself because I am not playing my A chord as good as I could and going back to the basics until it improved (I knew both chords before starting Justin Guitar lessons).

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Hello Christian. Welcome to JustinGuitar and the Community. It’s great you have found Justin’s lessons, he offers structure and a sure path to follow from the very beginning. Thousands and thousands have learned using his lessons.
I recommend you go back to the beginner courses. I have read that Jack Nicklaus used to begin every pre-season by saying to his golf coach - teach me how to swing a golf club. It never hurts to go back to basics, ensure good habits and fill any gaps in learning, strengthen any weaknesses in technique.
If you need any help with a lesson specific question or with any general guitar learning question then do not hesitate to ask. There are many good folk here who will happily offer help and encouragement to those coming up behind them on Justin’s Beginner Courses. They embody and carry the pay-it-forward ethos we have nurtured for many years in our community. There are many old hands too who have years and (hopefully) a bit of wisdom they can bring as they give their support to those hitting the road blocks - which we all do.
Just ask if you need anything.
Cheers :slight_smile:
| Richard_close2u | JustinGuitar Official Guide, Approved Teacher & Community Moderator.