Hi Everyone 😃

Hi im Tuva, im 14 years old, i live in Norway and i started playing guitar in 2022, my dad bought me my first ever guitar, a fender Stratocaster! I fell in love with playing guitar and music. I also go to guitar practice but i learn more jazz there, i wanna learn rock and metal, but of course i love jazz to but i thinks its kind of boring to play sometimes.


Welcome, to the community, Tuva. I have seen the videos, your dad has taken of you, and I think you have so much potential :slightly_smiling_face:

Happy birthday btw :birthday:

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Hello Tuva, and a warm welcome to the community :hugs:.
I have no experience with jazz, but I do like rock :metal:. I’ve also got a fender strat recently. It’s a really nice guitar :guitar::smiley:.

I wish you lots of fun along your guitar journey :grinning:.

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Hi Tuva, Welcome to the community and Happy Birthday!

It’s good to learn to play different kinds of music, like jazz. It helps to make you a better guitar player and musician. BUT, you have to play what gets you excited and makes you happy. That will keep you motivated. I watched your videos and you are doing great!


Hey Tuva, welcome to the community. Look forward to hearing more from you

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Hey tuva
Welcome and it is awesome you got started so young. (I am jealous) Keep at it

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Welcome to the forum Tuva. We need more young people getting into Rock and Metal. :metal:


Welcome, Tuva :wave: looking forward to more vids of you rocking out :v:

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My recommendation. Keep playing what you love. It makes the journey easier.

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Welcome Tuva. Keep learning. Don’t do what I did and take a break for 40 years!


Hey Tuva
A warm welcome to the Community! :smiling_face:
There are lots of awesome supportive people here :smiley:
I’ve seen a couple of your videos, you are doing so great!!
Your Strat is beautiful too
(Jazz is great, but also play what you love :slightly_smiling_face: )

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Hi Tuva, so nice to have you here! Good decision to start with guitar this early in your life! I only did that at age 53…
You have a beautiful guitar and you’re doing fine! Whenever you need support, ask people here, as they are very supportive! Have a good time and a lot of fun!

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Welcome Tuva!! Great to have you here and AWESOME to hear you’re keen to get into some rock and metal!! :metal: :metal: :metal:
Watched your vids above and that was sounding killer! Great tone and some mean power chords going down, especially on the Nirvana track! Keep it up! Can’t wait to see what you are working on next :sunglasses: :+1:
P.S. That’s Eddie from Iron Maiden (in his outfit for The Trooper) as your profile pic right?! Nice!! :metal:

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Hello Tuva, welcome to the Community…I think it’s fun to explore different genres then you can choose which one is your favourite or you feel more comfortable with ! Have fun!

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Thank you!

Thank you😊

Thanks! And yes its eddie, i love iron maiden i actually was at their concert on Wednesday! And it was awesome🤘

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Thanks! And ur never to old to start playin🤘

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