Hi from Jason in Surrey UK, another cancer victim stuck at home

Got diagnosed with cancer at Xmas and just had major bowel and liver surgery. Now signed off for 3 months and don’t want to waste it.

Always fancied playing the guitar so starting tomorrow with the first Justin lesson. Got a friends old acoustic guitar but looking at getting an electric soon. Been reading review after review on budget electric guitars.

Anyway looking forward to starting and getting my mind into something good. Good to say Hi!


Hey Jason, welcome to the forum. Great to meet you. I started playing about 12 years ago after dreaming about it for all my life. Got cancer shortly afterwards and am now cancer free, here’s to your freedom from cancer!!! The guitar has been a great thing to have during recovery and continues to be good for my soul. It’s a challenge at first, but hang in there as the rewards are amazing and so very worth it. Look forward to hearing more from you.


Hi Jason and welcome. Good luck with your guitar journey and more importantly good luck kicking cancer. I hope you have a lot of fun learning to play.



Like a few others here I can empathise with your experience of cancer. I had my bowel cancer diagnosis, quite afew years ago now, on Christmas Eve! Hope your recovery goes well and any continuing treatment, chemo-, radio-therapy, whatever, can be as quick as possible and your recovery likewise.

Enjoy playing guitar. You’ll findlots of good company and advice here.



Welcome, Jason. lots of decent budget electrics out there, hope you find one you like soon. And good luck kicking that cancer beast!


Hi Jason,
I wish you all the best and hope that you can gain strength from this… music can produce beautiful things, especially if you make it yourself… good luck and I wish you a lot of distraction from the bad and have fun here and with guitar…


Welcome Jason from a fellow Surrey resident, so sorry it’s under slightly darker circumstances but wish you all the best with your fight.

And congratulations on taking the step to learn this amazing instrument, with the best online teacher there is, wish you a ton of fun. Stick with it and you’ll be rewarded in spades, and if you need advice or help or just to vent your frustrations, this community is an amazing place to do so.

:heartbeat: :guitar:


Welcome to the community Jason. Sorry to hear about your health situation but hope things turn out for the best, post op recovery. Hopefully the guitar will give you something to focus on, the bonus finding Justin and his wonderfully structured course and a fully supportive group of folk here to help when ever you need it.



Thanks for the warm welcome, its certainly taking my mind off things.

Welcome aboard, Jason!

So sorry to hear the reason that’s brought you here. Wish you all the best and a good recovery. Take care! :four_leaf_clover:

Music is something magical and has the power to take us away from all the bad things in life, at least for a moment. Sometimes it even helps us heal. Hope the same for you and wish you still lots of fun on your guitar journey despite all the odd things. :slight_smile:


welcome :slight_smile:

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Jason, welcome to the community forum. Glad you found a great way to bring joy to your life while you are going through this period of treatment and recovery. You can always find someone from the community to provide help when you have a question, whether on a specific lesson or getting an opinion on an electric guitar. I hope you have a lot of fun as you progress through Justin’s lessons and learn to play songs.

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Welcome to the group Jason, good luck with everything ok.


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Hi Jason,
all the best with your treatment and recovery. A very good idea to start learning guitar and to join the forum. Might it both bring you joy and distraction. There is a lot of support and helpful people out here. Any questions regarding your guitar journey, or opinions needed related to the selection of your guitar, just ask. Wishing you well! :slightly_smiling_face:


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Welcome among us Jason! Music can do soo much to sooth and heal our souls sometimes or to make us just have some fun…I’m sure your guitar will be a good companion for you in this hard time of your life. All the best to you!


Welcome Jason. Learning and playing the guitar can take us away from our troubles. It obviously doesn’t solve them, but clears the mind to deal with them better, or at least as best we can. And for a time, we are somewhere else.
I wish you the best.


Welcome Jason, I cannot think of a better panacea than pursuing an interest in learning to play a musical instrument: picking up a guitar got me through 2020/1 … :slightly_smiling_face:

Take your time on your quest for an electric; arguably a bigger "minefield " than acoustic.

You’re fortunate to have a large independent retailer nearby, Anderton’s in Guildford, who have given me a steer when asked … :wink: … helped me buy two junior nylon acoustics for some voluntary work I do.

I had no option but to buy online in 2020, but there’s no substitute to holding and trying a few.

Anyhoo, early days for you, take your time: JG has a proven path for you to develop as a guitar player.

Focus on the fun … :sunglasses:

Thanks Elixir1253, your right its a minefield, reading so many reviews etc. I am keen to spend a but more - around the £300 mark so planty options.

When I am more mobile i’ll get myself down to Andertons, possibly a week or two.

I’m also a victor health conditions, if you want to know more send your WhatsApp number and pull up a chair and be prepared to listen for a hour or three :sunglasses:
I’ve taken up acoustic guitar, calligraphy and pursuing fly tying. I can’t sit idly by and watch tv.
So you have my heartfelt sympathies and understanding of your condition. Maybe we could make a online duo in a few months, I’m really bad but it would be interesting to hear :joy::joy::joy:


Im picturing someone with a lasso chasing after a fly trying to catch it and tie it

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