Hi everybody, Tim here from sunny yorkshire. I have been following the Justin guitar beginners course for just over a year now, and feel i’ve made fairly good progress. Strumming is still a bit of a mess but i’m working on it everyday. During the last year of my guitar journey, I’m sorry to say that I didn’t really get involved with the forum much(me being a bit of hermit), but i’ve resolved to change that now. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all you guys and girls on here for all of your comments, tips and the AVOYP that i’ve read and watched on the forum over the last year. Its been invaluable in helping me along with my playing. Hopefully I can get more involved now and start to give back a little. Just need to work up the courage to do a video for the AVOYP section, hopefully within the next month. Thanks for reading. All the best, Tim
Welcome, Tim, it’s nice to see you here! If you’ve been watching you know there’s all kinds of levels posted in AVOYP, and heaps of encouragement for all. That’s the best place to get feedback on how you’re doing, tips, questions answered … Whenever you’re ready, post away!
Welcome Tim, normally they are a friendly bunch here
Take your time and when you are ready post your video to the community.
Hi Tim and welcome to the new Community. I left Wakefield to chase the sun here in Normandy 10 years ago, you get sun there now ? Wow !
Great to meet you here, Tim.
We’re all in the same boat, trying to learn, play better, and make some music. It makes no difference what level you’re at.
So I encourage you to share, you will only get support from the Community. It is a bit scary the first time but you’ll be fine.
Welcome aboard Tim lots to see and do here
Thanks Mari. My plan is to post something on AVOYP as soon as i can get my strumming sorted. I seemed to be on track with it and its all gone to pieces again now
Thanks Rob,I really want to get something posted in the next month even if its quite poor. The feedback would probably do me a lot of good
Hi Toby. Yeah we get sun here, we got a whole minute today in Mirfield. Currently on 4000iu of vitamin d to make up for it Read loads of your posts and comments on the old forum and they were really helpful. Thanks
Thanks David.Its been a long journey for me but i’m coming to realise the more I post the more help and feedback i’ll get. So far all i’ve done is frighten the birds in the garden with my playing
Nice to meet you stitch. Starting to feel better already now i’m interacting with people on here rather than just reading. I’m hoping I can start to contribute a bit now
Welcome aboard! You’re not alone in the “strumming is a mess” camp. Practice, practice, practice is the policy I’m following; it’ll get there!
Think my daughter gets 2min/day at Ossett ! Re Post, just here to help
Hi Tim, it’s good that you’ve come out of your hermit cave to join us. Yippee!
Posting your first recording can be daunting, but oh what a buzz when you do. You’ll find you get lots of encouragement a help too, so c’mon let’s hear you
Welcome, Tim!
I’m looking forward to that. The AVOYP section is one of my favorite parts of the community.
Hello Tim, warm welcome! It’s great that you’re ready to start making and sharing recordings. It’ll do wonders for your progress and motivation because you’ll get nothing but support from all the kind folks around here. Looking forward to seeing you play!
Hi Maggie. I ‘ve just recently started grade 2 of the beginners course but still don’t feel like i’m progressing very quickly. I can be quite hard on myself at times though. I don’t think i paid enough attention to my strumming while going through grade 1, so thats my main focus at the moment. I’ll try to post something soon even if it means super gluing the pick to my thumb
Pleased to meet you Jason. I can see where you’re coming from. I enjoy playing by myself but feel it would be a lot more fun sharing with others
Thanks Ivan. I’ll try and ‘pony up’ and get something posted in the new year
Hi Scott. Yeah i’m trying to really focus on my strumming at the moment. Its really weird. One day i’m like ‘i’ve got this’ and the next day its gone again.