Dunno bout you but electric guitars are just more than a bit sexy. I buy one and love it but there is always another that has my eye. Right now I’m really loving the look of a PRS custom and may put it on the future list along with a Starcaster DeLong custom in pink.
I might ask here whether some dream wishes have come true… I don’t have a clear idea of what was posted all there or whether it has any similarities with your topic, but the question has been asked quite often here…
but wishes naturally change, especially after a new purchase
Already got my next guitar.
It was my first real electric. Got it used when I bought my 1st amp back around 1999.
Right now I don’t play this guitar as the electronics (pickups and pots) work so poorly that it find it unplayable.
The guitar is not a particular desirable guitar that never really caught on. But I find it good looking and I like the action on it.
What I don’t like is it has a narrow nut. 1 9/16". I can get over that. I also don’t like that I’ll never be able to put it back to original as it was used when I got it and the previous owner had a total modification of the electronics of the guitar, to include drilling a hole in it to move the input from front to side input. That can’t be undone.
This guitar is a '75 gibson L6-S.
All that said, my goal when getting the newer to me guitars, 3 of them, was to get a guitar that played well and sounded good. Something that is not inhibiting to learning to play guitar.
The guitars I have, have met this goal.
I’ll fix up my L6-S in time, but no real rush. In that time that I’m procrastinating, hopefully I will become a better guitar player and when and if I do. Then I will consider another cool guitar. As of right now, for several years now I’ve been drawn to gibson specials w/p90’s. les paul or sg, it wouldn’t matter… Time may change my mind, but the L6-S is at the top of the list for my next playable guitar. Mostly because, I already have it and can’t use it for the bum electronics, which are active, that I don’t find inspiring in the least. Oh, did I say I don’t dig batteries in my guitars? That will be gone when the repair is done.