Hot for it

Dunno bout you but electric guitars are just more than a bit sexy. I buy one and love it but there is always another that has my eye. Right now I’m really loving the look of a PRS custom and may put it on the future list along with a Starcaster DeLong custom in pink.

What’s on your list?

I might ask here whether some dream wishes have come true… I don’t have a clear idea of ​​what was posted all there or whether it has any similarities with your topic, but the question has been asked quite often here…
but wishes naturally change, especially after a new purchase :sunglasses:


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Good thing guitars aren’t girlfriends.
Head turners everywhere, loyalty levels 0

Already got my next guitar.
It was my first real electric. Got it used when I bought my 1st amp back around 1999.

Right now I don’t play this guitar as the electronics (pickups and pots) work so poorly that it find it unplayable.

The guitar is not a particular desirable guitar that never really caught on. But I find it good looking and I like the action on it.

What I don’t like is it has a narrow nut. 1 9/16". I can get over that. I also don’t like that I’ll never be able to put it back to original as it was used when I got it and the previous owner had a total modification of the electronics of the guitar, to include drilling a hole in it to move the input from front to side input. That can’t be undone.

This guitar is a '75 gibson L6-S.

All that said, my goal when getting the newer to me guitars, 3 of them, was to get a guitar that played well and sounded good. Something that is not inhibiting to learning to play guitar.
The guitars I have, have met this goal.

I’ll fix up my L6-S in time, but no real rush. In that time that I’m procrastinating, hopefully I will become a better guitar player and when and if I do. Then I will consider another cool guitar. As of right now, for several years now I’ve been drawn to gibson specials w/p90’s. les paul or sg, it wouldn’t matter… Time may change my mind, but the L6-S is at the top of the list for my next playable guitar. Mostly because, I already have it and can’t use it for the bum electronics, which are active, that I don’t find inspiring in the least. Oh, did I say I don’t dig batteries in my guitars? That will be gone when the repair is done.

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I next purchase will be an tube amplifier head to run a speaker cab I want to build.

If gear was a she, she would purr into my ear as I caressed the laces that run down her neck.




I still haven’t got my Yamaha Revstar, but one day…

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