How do I cancel my subscription?
To what?
Probably the same way you signed up
Hi William, I’m thinking you mean your subscription to the Lessons and Songs app. This post should have the information you need. If not, please do check back in!
It was the tab and chord subscription. I subscribed before I knew you could not download the tab. I believe that its more useful and flexible to be able to download this material. I do not use apple or google subscriptions. I believe that I am not grasping the process.
Ah, I see. You can cancel this by going to your dashboard: go to and log in. You should land at your dashboard. On the left side of the screen at the bottom, click Account. You’ll land on the Profile tab, click on the Purchases tab. You’ll see Justin Guitar Tabs there, and can cancel from there.
You can also choose ‘new window’ from the tab and print to PDF.
Hey there! I’ve sent you a private message about this. Cheers!