I’ve already uploaded one via the dashboard, but it doesn’t appear on the forum
Thank you. That worked
Same question, different year - I’ve got an avatar on the main site but it doesn’t show up in the community. adi_mrok’s link I broken now - any advice to get my pic up on the forum?
Oliver, have you recently uploaded the avatar on the website? I know it can take a little while (not sure exact duration) to refresh.
Have you tried these links for help on the browser caching/history: https://community.justinguitar.com/t/avatar-help-please/5511/8 and Navigation - Password Maintenance - #17 by Majik which are available to me.
I uploaded the avatar last week sometime, will have a look at the caching issues though this is the same across several devices.
Hi Oliver try accessing your browser via incognito mode and log in to site and community from there. That will do the trick.
Thanks, I’m logged in incognito and can see the avatar. So assume most others can see it too!
Yes I can see it now too
Hi Oliver,
Good to see you… …
This link no longer appears to work. It says “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”
Can you repost the steps here?
Hi and Welcome to the Community,
You will need to upload to you profile on the Dashboard on Justin’s Main website. From what I recall it will not automatically update here without logging off and on both on the main website and here.
Another thread on the subject