How I earned a bottle of water, a pizza and a pint of IPA

I just wanted to share my yesterday’s gig with you guys. I’m not sure it’s appropriate for the recordings section. I don’t want to overstep any rules here :innocent:


More mesmerising work Alexey, I am so pleased the gig went ahead for you. Talk about a mix of styles and genres you managed to tick off here, definitely something for everyone!
Just FYI there is a “playing live” subsection in the community recordings area that these can go into, one of the team can move it I’m sure!

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Wow, if you were nervous then it certainly didn’t show. Putting aside the awesome playing for a moment, I’m staggered you can remember all these tunes!

Much retuning during the set?

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That was very cool Alexey. Some great tunes in there and I loved the laidback style you played them all with.

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Wow super instrumental play there Alexey. Well done, that was a terrific set.

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Well… Once to drop D for Amazing Grace, then drop A to G (G6 tuning) for the Blackbird, Antonella’s Birthday and Tall Fiddler, then G back to A for Angelina, and then once more back to the regular tuning.
I used to use pitch shifters, like they have on banjos, but I noticed they were buzzing, so I got rid of them.


There is a Playing Live section in the Community Recording section.

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That was a real treat Alexey, thanks for posting, I loved absolutely everything you played and you even threw in some of your own arrangements :clap: You are very talented - take a bow :man_bowing:

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Thank you for sharing Alexey! I really enjoyed that. You are clearly very skilled.

As a big Beatles fan, I especially enjoyed your arrangement of Blackbird. Great job!

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I think you may have been under paid Alexey !! What a great set of songs and delightfully played. Good to see you looked pretty relaxed and no sign of nerves, hopefully our OM gave you a nice warm up before this much longer gig. Thanks for the share.


For sure, our OM was a great support before the gig. I got from it with more confidence, and I thank you all for that!
As for the payment… Right now I’m struggling to find venues to play for free. A big part of it is, of course, that I’m not coming from the music world, and it seems that I know more relevant people abroad, then here.

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International Tour!

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Very nicely played Alexey!!! Bravo!!!
I especially enjoyed “Misty”, always a favorite & your version has style & really swings!!!
Lovely Ibanez George Benson, is that a hollow body? Great tone & such a smooth, mellow feel, you have a soft touch that translates well, very nice vibe!
Also, what was your rig setup? The recording was very good quality, your sound came through so clearly in a live setting!!!
Again, kudos to you & congratulations on your gig!!!


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He he…

Thank you. Yes, LGB30 is a hollow body, just a small one.
My setup is as simple as it can be. AER Alpha. That’s it.
As for the recording, I’m not sure, you can see the camera there from time to time.

Apparently it was Canon 6D & Rode Videomicro mic

That was amazing Alexey! You play with so much skill. If you told me you were a professional musician, I would have totally believed it. Seriously impressive playing. Thanks for sharing!

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Just beautiful Alexey, showed my wife your Wonderful World, she loves that song and she was suitably impressed :+1: I think you’ve made her day :joy:

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Thank you.
Here is a full and clean version for her :smiling_face:


:joy: Thank you Alexey :pray:

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