I was going through the AVOYP section and have noticed a trend, or at least it seems to be. Correct me if I am wrong.
Seems to me like alot of people post just the one take and then never go back and show the progress they have made with a particular song? Adding the small inflections, solo’s and the like?
In my mind there is probably a few reasons for this. One, you are ok at playing many songs but not “real” good at any. Justin points out this is a bad Idea. You know the rhythm can make it sound good but there are many embellishments and small stuff left out. Know the song, but not “real” well.
The second thought that comes to mind is that you just want to showboat and then call it good enough?? Never to revisit? Some people have 30 , 40 songs on video, some way more. But no revisits? Now how many of these do you know “really” well? And can you even play all those songs at will??
So I guess my main question is, Why? And what is your mindset on this???
Love to hear what you have to say about this!?
The answers should be intriging.
Rock on!
I hinted at this recently in a post when I pondered how many people actually forget a song once they have uploaded their definitive video version. That could be a reason why they don’t return to embellish them rather move on to something else.
I can only speak for myself, I don’t really give a rip what anyone else is doing (EDIT: nor do I care what anyone thinks about what I’m doing). I’m on my own journey, and appreciate that others are doing the same. This raises the question, why do you care? Show us the beauty, splendor and wisdom of your approach.
That said, I record (imperfect) snowflakes for youtube because that is how I exercise ear worms. On the other hand I play originals and all kinds of other things, often times frequently, in my own space.
What you see or are shown is not always the whole story.
This is the main reason I don’t comment and in some cases don’t bother watch AVOYP videos. The way I look at it is if it’s only good enough put it in your learning log as a work in progress.
AVOYP should be finished work to be proud of. But that’s just me.
Did you just post Patience from G&R and didn’t even bother tuning your guitar?
That’s where I am. Lots and lots of songs I can play fairly well, but absolutely none that I can play “real well.” A post like yours is one reason why I don’t post any videos of me playing. Anywhere.
I will share my experience as I find it an interesting subject.
So, I have a personal project of learning the 15 first songs of the JustinGuitar Rock Songbook. There are 3 levels to the songs in the book “Started”, “Learned” and “Performed”. My definition of “Performed” is playing with the original recording at a level that I can be proud of and recording it.
Once I check the “Performed” checkbox in the songbook, it’s like the project is over. Practicing the same song for 2 months makes me a little tired of it, so I take a break and stop practicing it for a while. I realize that’s not the best strategy to build a repertoire as memory will forget them soon. But, I don’t mind that much since I don’t want to play a concert for someone.
I don’t feel that attracted to continue practicing a song once it is finished (/good enough for my taste). I prefer to move on and learn another one. I’m also not the type of guy that like to watch the same movie twice or replay a video game that I have already finished.
Though, I would enjoy revisiting the songs later to learn the solo when I’m comfortable with lead guitar since that’s a different challenge.
I had a similar experience in high school when I was learning saxophone. The teacher would give us new songs for the year, and we would never go back to the ones of the previous year. Every year was a fresh start
For me, songs that I have posted are part of my play list (Songbook), so I pretty much play them every time I practice. As my learning progresses I find that I am able to add something to each song, maybe some embellishments or a change in pattern or a short picking section (something currently a WIP).
As far as reposting them, no, I think I would only repost one if I were able to make a significant improvement that I would share with the community for feedback, and I don’t think any are there at the moment.
I am pretty much in the same boat on that much. Sorry to have offended maybe? Was just curious and if this was the case or not. Not that it really matters in the end. A simple question.
I am obviously on a very different approach. To each on their journey!
I would rather know 6 or so songs real well then 30 somewhat. Now you have to mak sure you choose songs that are extremely popular, you love playing em(because I’ll be playing it alot for however long it takes) in small bursts, rhythm being number 1 on the list.
Now I do have 25 ish songs I shuffle through. But I concentrate on what I would call a proper “set”. 5-7 songs I can play at anytime. New songs come in from time to time. But I keep concentrated to stay on top a very distinct path. Practicing songs that will lead me to where I eventually want to be.(have the techniques I want to have at will) I have very distinct goals.
Some have been kinda shelved. But I make sure I revisit these after some time. There is a specific timeframe/equation of sorts you follow roughly. Wait 3 months, play, wait 6 months, play, wait a year, play again. Odds are it is locked in to a point.
What??? Get the hell out!!! Lol. Thank you for the mighty wisdom!!!
Ahhhhhh…so you had a specific goal in place and happy with it. Get bored move on. Got ya. Makes sense man. Doing your thang and not worried bout the rest.
To me, and I am apparently an odd ball. I can play the same song 12 days in a row and still wanna play! In the end I will pick a song that will need to have embellishments added later on after I have the chord structure and rhythm down. So to me, re-visits makes sense in my mind.
Ahhhhh, excellent point point. I think this subject has arisen before me thinks. I like to see my progression myself.
Who, me??? . Yeah, but that’s a changing. Didn’t take long for the musicians, but campfire. I pulled er off. Lol…oh my. Should be an interesting progression to that one!!!
Right on. To me it’s all part of th journey. I have large shoulders and keep an open mind at all times. I do the best I can. I was merely curious. Shouldn’t take offence so easily. I’ve been told to gve up. I take it and turn it into, oh yeah, watch this. Or, well they have a right to their opinion as well.
Sounds like we have similar approaches. Only I will post from time to time and certainly not when I’m real proud. Because that could take some time and I have nothing to go back to refer to, to say…ok I I have improved on that one. A preference for me. A hard copy of my progression of sorts.
I’m continually revisiting and improving the songs I know. Not every one, but most.
I remember hearing Justin comment in a lesson something to the effect that if your daily practice is just playing your repertoire you aren’t really progressing or learning anything and this is one of the rare occasions where I disagree with him.
I can see the improvement and progress I make on my repertoire. Some times it’s just little tidy up, other times, like in the case of Wagon Wheel and Dock of the Bay, I now use a different strumming pattern. In Wagon Wheel the chance is on every 4th bar, on Dock of the Bay it’s the whole song.
I don’t post a lot in AVOYP for my own reasons, that shouldn’t reflect on AVOYP, just personal choice.
Last year I uploaded “Need Your Love So Bad”. The chords, vocals and intro to this song I could play in my sleep but for the purpose of the video I had to work on the solo. Now a year later I could not play that solo without revisiting it. But I doubt that Peter Green ever played it the same way twice anyway. (BTW I went back and edited out the backing track and uploaded it again without backing. )
Well I may be the exception and don’t post much in AVOYP but the very first one was a song I’d played for years but had never really crafted at learning it properly. So when I had worked out how to do it I AVOYP’d it.
I have recently uploaded “Stormy Monday Blues” in my log to show where I’m at with Jazzy chords. (Not sure many have looked). I posted that I would go back and add the solo to this. There are two reasons for this; one is that I can’t play backing and solo at the same time obvs, two is that, for the purpose of a permanent record, I would rather work on the solo than jam something just for expediency.
I guess my approach is based on the concept that if you have a hobby like Landscape Painting then you have a painting that records your progress. A video or recording is about the only thing verging on tangible we have that can record your progress at any one point in time.
I used to always go back to older stuff I’d done even as far back as the first song I learned - 3 little birds; mostly applying newly learned techniques but also to see how close to the original style I could get.
Now I don’t do covers, just my own thing, I find it more pleasing and satisfying.
From the sounds of things peeps like to keep AVOYP to their pride and Joy’s! Lol . Mind the pun! That does seem like what the majority are thinking. Obviously since the launch of “Clubs” Justin’s site has boomed and twisted a bit…not a bad thing. Surely an adjustment. So there will be exceptions, like was said. Your journey your thing, do er up!!!
For me it is a mixture, probably, because of the path I am on. Also there is a big picture in me brain. . I certainly don’t post songs anymore that I haven’t already practiced alot. But the progression series I wish to use as a, “Look what Can be achieved if you go by Justin’s teaching ways !”. Take this to my students so they and others can see the progression, with the story behind it.(Super Beginner,)Serious, long term goal. The beginning stages can be years depending on your time you have or motivation you have. Oh, age, let’s not forget that…
I’m pretty much on the same wavelength as @stitch, works in progress for learning log, polished versions to my play grade in AVoYP. I will revisit the songs I’ve learned if they resonate with me and were not just a vehicle to consolidate a particular skill. For example at some point I do plan on revisiting one of my first AVoYPs, Bad Moon Rising, and tackling John and Tom’s guitar parts the way they play them.