How To Play The D Chord

3 posts were split to a new topic: Help me get started again … how do I warm my fingers before playing? Should I stand or sit?

I came across this site, (
just press major or minor etc and the chord you want to test, you will hear chord.
I had the same question and found this site very helpful, good luck with your journey, I am still on the ground floor.


I just Can’t get the D chord right. It’s the third finger. Whenever I try to place my third finger my second finger from E string moves and the thinnest string buzzes. If I get the thinnest string right my third finger touches the thinnest string, always. I just can’t get it right it’s been 3 days. Help me out here to get this D chord right


Tbh, you can’t expect to get it right within a space of 3 days. (or i have read your post wrong).

The only solution to this “problem” is practice and determination. Those, alongside a good helping of having fun will solve this problem.

Keep it up and don’t give up! You’ll get there. We’ve all been there.


HI Hemant, welcome to the community!
It’s good to share your struggles, that’s why this place is here. Rest assured that we’ve all gone through similar, my particular early issue was with A chord! As @GrytPipe says here it’s going to all be down to practice and taking things slowly. Really focus on the Chord Perfect element of your practicing. It sounds like you need to focus on the curl of your third finger if it’s muting the thinnest string. Play around with wrist positioning a little maybe, or have a pause on the lesson video to really look at Justin’s hand position.

It’ll get there with work :+1:


Hello Hemant, and please feel very welcome to the community :hugs:.
It’s not that long ago, that I was a complete beginner on the guitar and struggeling with the very first chords :blush:.
The D chord is definitely not the easiest one. So don’t be frustrated, if your fingers aren’t always doing what you want them to do. That’s absolutely normal :slightly_smiling_face:.

You described your problem in great detail. That’s fantastic. So I made my fingers to do the same as yours, and realised, besides Marks @Notter tipp to have a closer look at your finger and hand positioning, maybe your third finger is struggeling with the stretch it has to master. To get used to this stretch, your finger definitely needs more time and practice.

I incorporated Justins beginner finger stretches quite early to my daily practice routine, and it helped me a lot :smiley:. Maybe it’s also helpful for you :blush:.

So, keep on practicing. Look for songs with the D chord you like and play them. Be patient with your fingers - they are learning something that’s absolutely new to them. And don’t forget to have fun :wink:.


I am the same with the C chord, just can’t seem to get it chord perfect. Struggle muting the big E string. Been on the journey for about 4 months now. When playing a song and I know the C chord is coming I lock up and it throws off the rhythm. Frustrating but I’ll eventually get through it.


You certainly will Roch, I think we all know the seizing feeling too when certain chords are coming up. In other words, it still happens now just with different chords!! But now you know it all comes good in the end! Good luck :+1:


Welcome Hemant! I’m a beginner too. Lots of good advice here…another suggestion someone gave me is to try to use the tips of the fingers when fretting. That encourages keeping the fingers curled as @Notter suggests, and in my experience discourages accidentally muting adjacent strings. And like @NicoleKKB, I’m a huge fan of the finger stretching exercises. In addition to the stretch, I found it helped with finger control.
Another thing I’ve learned - listen to and try all advice, but stay mindful that different solutions might work for different people. Justin talks a lot about how we all have different anatomy.
This is a fun and rewarding journey!


It gets easier as your finger tips develop callouses and flatten less. Try lowering your wrist position to make it easier for fingers to clear that first string. A poorly cut nut can make it harder too, so check your guitars setup. Slow and steady, it takes time but does get easier so don’t give up. It WILL come good with practice :grin:


Was wondering about this. Have same issues. Feeling like my big fingers dont fit maybe. Have looked at this as practice will improve. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes. Practice really improves it. One day you’re struggling and the next day you do really better, atleast relatively better than the last day.


Hi Guy, Thanks for the answers on “The D Chord” thread. I can play the D chord far better now, at least better than I used to. Now I have a new problem. So when I play the A chord ams D chord, the individual strings sounds nice but when I strum them all together there’s a little buzz not much but just a little but you can still hear it. Does it get better overtime? Or should I do something like pressing harder to make it go away. Please let me know. Thank you in advance.

Oh PS : I mostly encounter this problem while playing Boys 'round here song for A+D chord Practice


At this early stage, I simply wouldn’t worry as it’s to be expected. JG even mentions that in his videos. So until your skill gets better, don’t be to worried about it, your only on the first set of chords and like you our knowledge and skill is meh…


PS. don’t aim for perfection, not yet anyway :slight_smile:


Hi Hemant, good to read of progress, and as always when you’ve got one thing sorted another thing comes up!!

Only question I have for you on this is are both A and D chords ringing nicely when you do your chord perfect exercise? If so then the buzzing is only associating to the changes. In which case I’d say you’re likely not fretting in quite the right place when changing, or you’re not pushing hard enough. This is all going to be down to incorporating the movement between chords so continue to work on that and it’ll come in time.

All the best!! :+1:

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I just started learning guitar 3 days ago. Like many others on here, playing the D chord correctly eludes me most of the time. The first 2 days, I thought playing the D without muting the the high E string was impossible. Even using my other hand to place my fingers on the fretboard still didn’t help. I tried a few hours, in every way I could think of or found recommendations to try, and couldn’t get it right. My 3rd finger always muted the string no matter what. I wouldn’t give up, so soldiered on. Yesterday I finally managed to play the D chord correctly, and it was by pressing down as hard as possible on the strings. Finger 3 wasn’t very far down the 3rd fret, bit it didn’t matter. The sound rang out clean, and I could pick each string individually and get a clean sound. It almost brought a tear to my eye! Unfortunately, it only works for me like half the time, but knowing it’s possible helps!

I hope finger calluses do help, because I feel my 3rd finger squishing down and spreading out when holding the string is what bumps into the string below and mutes it. I guess I’ll know if/when they form.


Welcome to the forum David
Calluses will help a lot and should start forming shortly, your fingers are still soft and spread out when you press on the strings.
What kind of guitar are you learning on. You shouldn’t have to press that hard to fret the notes even with soft fingers. You may want to get a set-up done on your guitar.


I should have mentioned try and get your finger as close to the frets as possible this will need less pressure on the strings


I ended up going with a Les Paul style guitar. Figured I’d play a guitar similar to what my favorite guitarists play with. As far as hitting the D chord today, I went from hitting it correct like 1/100 times yesterday to about 1/3 times today. It went from being near impossible to doable, which is exciting. I’m learning the culprit is still usually my 3rd finger spreading out and muting the high E string if I’m not dead on at the perfect angle, but approaching the strings with fingers at an angle more parallel to the strings while still pressing down with just the fingertips as much as possible helps immensely. I’ve also learned that for whatever reason, I sometimes wasn’t pressing down hard enough on the high E string, usually concentrating on the 3rd finger placement instead. The second finger would sometimes mute the string itself. I tell you, learning to play takes tons of experimentation and problem solving. That and the willingness to fail over and over until you get it right. When everyone says, “just keep trying, it’ll get easier”, they mean it. It magically all comes together somehow.


Welcome to Justin Guitar David, and congratulations on the start of your journey. Lots of fun ahead.
Sounds like you’re having some wins with that D chord - the first of many.
Stick close to Justins tuition, and you’ll well be on your way.
All the best.

Cheers, Shane