How To Use Justin's Song App

Up at the top of the app it says STRUM and there’s a suggested strum pattern if you press it. That pattern is entirely optional and you may choose to go more or less elaborate depending on what you think the song needs and your skill level

All of the circles just represent the up and down strokes of your hand (which may or may not include a strum of the strings).

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If I’m using the app, do I need to also log practices/routines in the desktop/web space?

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Hi Deborah, the app and website stats are not linked so it’s really just a question of if / how you want to keep tabs on your progress and practice.

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Awesome, thanks. So I’m not missing anything if I’m solely using the app for tracking practice, then?


No not at all!



if I would use the guitar app and I would choose a song to play along, do I see the chords emerging while playing the song? Will I be able to see each chord as I play along?


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Hi John @jondewi, and welcome to the community! The short answer to both of your questions is yes. You can also adjust the speed the song plays (I slow it down ALL the time while learning!). I think there is a trial period on the app - if you don’t like it you can cancel within a week or 10 days or something. Give it a look!

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Hi Judi, thank you

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Hello, apologies if this answered elsewhere, but are you able to switch off/turn down the melody for the songs, like if you want to practice playing along and also singing the melody yourself?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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I’ve literally just seen a video of Justin teaching ‘Peaceful Easy Feeling’ and he confirmed that you can do that, so that’s great. Answered my own question :grinning:


While I’m loving the website course unfortunately I can’t purchase & use the app as it’s not available in my country in the Google Play Store. Can anyone recommend a good mobile app alternative to practice songs with backing tracks?

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Kuwait. Hmm… Might be somewhat difficult for us to check what might be available there. Maybe @Majik has an idea? Or @MusopiaApps can comment on whether there are any plans to make the plans available Kuwait?


Is the Moises app available to you?

It’s probably the best alternative to the Songs and Lessons App that I’ve found.


Hi! I have been trying to log into the app lately but it’s not letting me? I’ve logged in and out of the website and my email and password did work. I have no idea why it is not letting me log in. Please anyone let me know.

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Lance @kylpqr
You mention the app but later you say the web site can you clarify please, is it both or just one of them.

By the way welcome to the community :grinning:

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The login for the App and the website are not the same (yes, it’s confusing).

Many people have reported intermittent problems logging into the App…including my girlfriend (they also double charged her for her annual renewal).

It’s possible deleting and re-installing may fix it…you won’t lose any progress.

If that doesn’t work, contact the App developer directly via the Support menu.


Yes it is, thank you for the recommendation Tom. I’ll give that one a try. I’ve also found one called Ultimate Guitar Chords & Tabs. In addition to backing tracks, it has tabs as well which is really helpful. Lots of good features, loads of popular songs available, but it’s a big buggy (chords tracking in the tabs is glitchy, metronome is off beat, etc.).

I’ll check out Moises and report back if it works better for me. Just completed Grade 1 - Module 5 yesterday and chose Black by Pearl Jam as my song to learn. So I’m gonna need all the help I can get to figure out the chord changes, so hopefully one of these apps will be a good additional level of support alongside Justin’s play through video.


Just started using the app after 6 weeks grade 1, Mod 1 and 2 of beginner course on website. I found it really great for practice today much more fun. It helped me to do 36, A to D change. My only thing is I did this by watching where I strum. Am I supposed to be not looking when I do the chord changes ie is that 30 not looking at all. I barely look at the fret its just the chord strums. I am finding it hard to hit the right strings on strumming.

Hi Jill, I’m an early-Grade-3 beginner. The way I think about “not looking” is that it’s a goal. To my mind, when learning new skills it’s much better to look and get it right (thus developing muscle memory) than to struggle and do things inaccurately along the way. I recall in Grade 1 having to practice “not looking”, and that sometimes involved slowing down temporarily. Now that whole process (look to get it right, wean myself from peeking, eventually make the skill automatic) is part of my learning routine. Additionally, I get a sore neck if I’m always looking at my hands. That will encourage one to break the habit!

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Rod Stewart - Sailing … I can’t find it on the App