Howdy! I'm RoseRock

I’m a 67 year old former musician who played guitar, bass, and keyboards. I lost my ability to understand music after a head injury and lost coordination and fine motor control after an electrical accident. I did give most of my stage gear away to church planting missions so my gear would benefit someone.

I did however, keep my Peavey T-15 my first electric guitar, which was picked out for me by Blues Boy Hubbard, an Austin, Tx icon. Over the years I would look at it, experiment, and wipe it down and put it away; I just loved that thing.

I always believed that if I continued to work on my recovery eventually I would be able to play again. I believed the brain could develop new pathways and that I would play again. The key thing was that I made a promise to myself that I would do what I loved, even if I had to do it differently. It has been a long haul with PT, yoga and surgery and more PT.

But, about two weeks ago I asked my husband to help me pull out my Peavey. I put some new strings on it and did some really ugly chord changes. WHOA… I new that something had changed and that I could learn to play again. A few days later I went and got a Gretsch Gin Rickey. Both of these guitars are smaller scale so that really work well with the limitations I have.

I found Justin’s Lessons and I’m working the lessons every day.
Older player, recovering and differently able players… don’t give up !

To those that gave up on me…As BB King says, “Too Bad, baby. You made your move too soon.”


That’s awesome, great to hear from you RoseRock. A good friend of mine suffered a stroke and the guitar was great therapy for her to recover. Look forward to hearing more from you.

You’re an inspiration! You’ll get plenty of support on here.

How d’ya do and welcome Rosemary, or maybe you prefer Rose.
Your intro shouts determination at me. You want to play guitar and you’re gonna do it !

The very best of luck
🎸 David

What an inspirational story. Bottom line never give up and keep the dream alive.

Wishing you every success in your continued recovery and playing.

Welcome to the Community Rose.



Amazing grit! So happy that you have re-lit that fire, you must be buzzing :smiley:
Good luck & happy strumming!

Hello Rosemary and welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

That is a very inspiring story. I am so pleased for you that you have been able to pick up a guitar and play again.

Hi Rosemary and welcome along!
An inspiring story and journey that you’ve been on, you must have felt so good on those first few chord changes again, good for you. Hope you get all of your old enjoyment back with Justin!

Welcome to the Community, Rosemary. Tip my hat on your courage, perseverance, and belief. Wonderful that you are now able to begin to play again. Wish you well.

Hi Rosemary and welcome to the community. What an inspirational attitude you have. I wish you all the very best as you redevelop your skills.

Hi Rosemary,
Welcome , and how nice that you can play guitar again :sunglasses: :partying_face: :clap:…and yes the brain can make many new connections and restore old ones …there were times when I couldn’t hold a pen and now I play for a few hours a day guitar…

What an amazing journey you’re on, Rosemary!
The brain is such a delicate, complex organ. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if you consciously or subconsciously tapped into some of the musical pathways you laid down pre-accident.
Either way, the only important thing that you enjoy the here and now.
You seem sorted.
Good luck :smiley:

Thanks for the encouraging message.

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Thank you. I really appreciate the support!

That’s it David, I’m determined and I’m willing to adapt. I appreciate the wishes for good luck.


We have a very warm community of players here, Toby. Thanks for the welcome.

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Kravean, that is so funny. From the electrocution I did have a persistent buzzing sensation in my arms and legs for nearly 10 years. I rarely notice it anymore. I’m OK with buzzing…just don’t want my strings to buzz. May be I should have gone to a Luthier years ago for an adjustment.

Thank you.

Thanks for the welcome. You know you are excited about playing when you enjoy challenging yourself to the number of chord changes per minute in Grade 1.

Thanks for the kind welcome.


Yes, Indeed. Justin is a very good teacher and I very much appreciate his style.

Thank you DavidP. I appreciate all the resonate chords of encouragement.