Howdy! I'm RoseRock

Thank you Richard. While I’ve tried to lean into this journey of recovery I really believe that it is occurring through the grace of God. I see it as a real blessing and I want to make sure I use what I am regaining to benefit others.

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That is a really interesting question. Yesterday I started remembering a rhythm section from a song. It took a bit, but then I remembered it was from the Kink’s :You really got me". And then suddenly a remembered that I had done an arrangement I had done in my punk band ( in the 80’s) that combined that song with Wayne Fontana and the Mindbender’s “The Game of Love”. So that was kind of “Poof” sudden fill in the gaps moment. Now, I have no (zero) recollection of the mechanics of playing those songs. But i do recall the arrangement. So I now an making notes in my phone of songs that I want to relearn. Those two are on the list.

Regarding learning being stressful or relaxing: I definitely experienced a lot of frustration and stress after my injuries. Initially I was so impatient with myself. I knew what I wanted to do, what I thought I should be able to do; but, I just couldn’t. I’m talking here about relearning basic skills like talking smoothly, buttoning your own clothes, driving the car. I thank God for his help and for having my husband who is a saint.

I really had to learn to be patient with myself, to be persistent in practice, and to be grateful for every good thing, no matter how small.

I am taking those lessons into this area of relearning the guitar. I am very grateful to Justin, this guitar community and for the opportunity to use these resources.

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Najuna, This is a great idea. I’m going to start doing balance work before I practice. I’ve got something else for you to try. I had a real balance problem.

There is this thing called a Vive Balance Mat. It is a thick foam rectangular mat that you stand on for balance. If you have poor balance you should make sure you use it in front of your kitchen counter so you have some touch points if needed. My therapist had me on one in the clinic, and I bought one from amazon to use at home. Initially my goal was to stand on it for 10 seconds; then 30, then a minute. Progressed through the same times with eyes closed. Now I am working on standing on one leg.

You might like this mat to add a little challenge. Thanks so much for sharing.

Thank you Alfred. I believe in the power of prayer and I very much appreciate your prayers for my musical growth.


Hi there,

Welcome to the Community!

It’s admirable that you’re comfortable with learning to play again after your illness. The therapeutic effect of music is indeed something special. I remember having read that the inventor of the Fender Rhodes electric piano started his project (it wasn’t a project at the beginning) with the aim of providing therapy to recovering soldiers during WW2.

There were also some famous guitarists who had to re-learn playing, such as Jerry Garcia or Pat Martino. So don’t give up. :slight_smile:

Hello, József, thank you for the encouragement and the welcome. That is very interesting about Jerry Garcia. I worked the Medic tents at a number of Grateful Dead concerts to raise money for the crisis center I ran in the late 70’s. I had no idea. I’m going to see if I can learn more about his journey.

I just found the story, József. He was in a diabetic coma for several days and lost some key motor control functions.

Hi Rose, I’m glad you found it interesting and ordered it. I also look foward to exchange our views, struggles, and the little and big victories that will be there for us!

I can find myself so much in these words!

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Wow Rose that sounds crazy its great you are at a point you can start learning again!

Let’s plan on it!

Sure is Rob. I am grateful

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