I am looking for a jam partner in the Phoenix area

Hello! I am looking for people to play with in the Phoenix area. Ideally the West Valley. I am in Surprise, AZ. I am a woman in my thirties. I have been playing for almost two years now and would like to have someone to practice with sometimes. Thank you!

Hi Lovona @LoveGuitar86, welcome to the community! It’s difficult finding folks to play with, even in a large city like Phoenix. What level are you at? I’m doing an experiment this fall: our local community college offers guitar classes. The first class basically teaches open chords. In the second class, they teach songs. I’ve signed up for this second class hoping to meet someone to play with, even though they won’t likely know anything about Justin Guitar. I expect at least some songs will be among those Justin offers. Maybe there’s something like that near you?

If you have a minute, maybe head over here and tell us a bit more about your guitar journey!

Hello Jason, My name is Lovona. I am in Surprise AZ and am also finishing up grade 2. I have been taking my time with it, trying to be sure that I am solid at each thing before moving on. I started Justin’s beginner program almost two years ago. I am also looking for a jam partner in the Phoenix area. I know that Surprise and Chandler are about as far apart as we can get in the Valley but I wonder if there is a place we can meet in the middle that would be an option. I am a 38 year old female. My husband would join me for the first time to ensure safety but I would be interested in meeting up. I would also be willing to open up my home if we have a conversation over the phone first. I have made a dedicated music room in my house. If you message me back we can exchange phone numbers and hopefully set up a jam session. That would be really cool.

Lovona, I doubt that Jason will easily find your reply since a different community member linked his post.

He should receive a notification by tagging him @jastramm (Hi Jason) or will receive such a notification as well if you reply to him in his original post. Or send him a Dm maybe? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you. Yes someone else informed me so I copied it into his original post which was apparently posted back in April. Hopefully he is still interested. Thanks again.

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Good :slightly_smiling_face: Hadn’t seen that you had posted it there already. Let’s hope it will work out and you will have lots of fun jamming together :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you!

Got it. Thanks!